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Guide To Prevent your House against Short Circuits

Electricity is one of the most significant things that man has invented. It powers just about everything in your home from electronic appliances, light bulbs to your favourite speakers. To a certain extent, we forget how much we depend on electricity until a short circuit or a stormy night knocks down a power line and you are left in the dark.

Any out of order or incorrectly installed wiring can mean huge trouble. As we all know, electricity works on a circuit. If for any reason that circuit is interrupted allowing a current to travel down an accidental path that is called a short circuit.

In high power situations, this can create catastrophic results. A short circuit can be dangerous around your home as it damages your electric appliances and electronic devices. One of the most common causes of a short circuit at home is worn insulation around wires passing around where it shouldn’t happen.

You can prevent your house against short circuits by using some of these simple yet effective methods-

  1. Avoid Using Multiple Plug Sockets

If possible, avoid using multiple plug sockets. Overloading a single socket point with too many voltages can cause a short circuit from overheating. In a worst-case scenario, this can also lead to a fire breakout.

  1. Ensure That Your Circuit Protection Is Up-to-Date

When moving into a new home, call an electrician and a thorough check of the all the circuits and connections in the fuse box or supply-distribution box to make sure they are working in order and are up-to-date. Fuse boxes in an old house can be swarming with insects which can spoil the wiring and also cause short circuits to happen.

  1. Check Condition of Your Wires and Cables

The rubber casing around electrical wires and cables attached to your appliances and electronic equipment can get brittle over time.  They can even be victims of rat nibbles and children playing with them. Check and double check that the entire length of your wiring and cables are not damaged.

  1. Study the “Load Profile” Of Your Appliances and Electrical System

Different equipment and appliances require a separate volume of electricity to make them work. Bulky appliances like washing machines, freezers, and ovens must be appropriately attached to the power socket outlets. Make sure that the socket can take the electrical load of such heavy appliances.

Avoid sharing sockets between appliances if they both of them have large load profiles.

  1. Proper Earthing is a Must-have

This job is entirely for the professionals; hence it is advised to get a certified electrician to check if the earthing in your house is safe. Earthing is essential to channel electrical surges down into the ground efficiently. All the more, it can also save your electrical appliances from being short-circuited.

  1. Watch the Height of your Antennas

Avoid installing television antennas too far above the ground. The higher it is placed, the higher the chances of it acting as a lightning rod during lightning storms.

  1. Watch what’s around your House

Watch out for trees growing around your house when you see that a branch is getting too close to your electrical power cables or poles get a contractor to prune or cut the overgrown branches. You can also inform the local council if the tree is outside your house and is beside the public road.

Give your house a high-quality check to ensure that the electrical wiring is safe from leaks and potential short circuits. Electricity can burn down anything into ashes within seconds. Therefore, you should cover your valuables like electronics and electrical appliance with a home insurance policy. A home insurance policy secures your home against risks such as fire, theft, flood, etc., and provides you with peace of mind and comprehensive protection from unforeseen circumstances.

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