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Personal Health Issues Which You Will Want To Avoid

Last updated on June 19, 2014

We all long for a healthy body & an active mind. And, this is only possible when we have a healthy and hygienic lifestyle. However, a healthy lifestyle is very difficult to maintain as our day to day challenges increase with every passing day. Balancing your everyday life is not only difficult but has become tedious at the same time. You get stressed and try finding out ways to get out of them. Some go the correct way by joining some yoga studio, a hobby class or simply going and sweating out in the gym. This way, they not only get de-stressed but also stay healthy and fit.

But, there are others who adapt the wrong ways and later on suffer due to it. These wrong ways refer to unhealthy activities like drinking alcohol, smoking and substance abuse. You feel good for some time but unknowingly you are paying a big price for this good time. All these things if done on a regular basis become a habit. And, once one is addicted to it, it is very difficult to get out. Such an addiction is smoking. There are many millions of people today who are fighting this addiction. Some however think that smoking actually helps them de-stress and increase their productivity. They don’t realize that they are attracting personal health issues and many other deadly diseases as a result.

Smoking not brings long-term health problems but other harmful consequences as well. The nicotine content along with other toxic substances present in cigarettes, pipes, and cigars affects a person’s body very swiftly. This means teenagers who start smoking early, experience many problems as well. Some of these are:

  • Reduced athletic performance:it has been seen that people who smoke, usually are not very energetic or swift. They usually fail while competing with their non-smoking peers in physical activities. They are likely to experience decreased circulation, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. These are some of the physical effects of smoking that impair their sports performance.
  • Bad-smelling hair and clothes:The smell of tobacco and stale smoke usually tends to linger for a long time. And, it’s just not on the person’s clothing, but on their cars, hair, and the furniture around them. Getting the smell of the smoke out is not easy.
  • Bad breath and skin: smokers usually develop this condition called halitosis. This condition refers to persistent bad breath. And, smoking also tends to slow the flow of blood. This results in prevention of oxygen and nutrients getting into the skin. This is why they often appear unhealthy and pale. Some also develop skin rash called psoriasis, which is often difficult to cure.

These are just a few things which we have mentioned. But the list is quiet long. There are many products in the market today, which can help you in quitting this addiction. One of them is electronic cigarettes liquid or e-cigarettes. These are usually battery-operated devices that use cartridges in them. These cartridges are filled with nicotine and some flavorings. The e liquid convert the flavorings and chemicals into a vapor that is inhaled by the user. They are tobacco-free and can help you in case you want to quit your smoking addiction. So, go ahead and try these electronic cigarettes to get rid of smoking.

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