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Women skin care tips

Last updated on March 17, 2017

If you’re like most women who struggle to maintain perfect skin, you’ve probably tried every trick in the book to fight acne, combat dryness and achieve that fantastic glow. Of course, you’re not alone. We all look to whatever we can when a breakout or rough patch appears, but sometimes, our efforts are all in vain. So, how can you effectively keep skin healthy and free of flaws? The answer isn’t always simple, however, we’ve comprised a list of smarter skincare tips to perfect skin and fend off acne.

Between certain lifestyle changes, avoiding commonly-made mistakes and adding a few steps to your daily routine, you could achieve the perfect skin you’ve always desired. Before you reach for yet another skincare product in search of a solution, take a look at our smarter skincare tips, presented by willa.

5 Smarter Skincare Tips

Between the sun’s harsh rays and various environmental factors, seemingly, there’s always something working to prevent us from maintaining perfect skin. Add in genetics, stress, and poor habits and you have a lengthy list of preventive factors. In an effort to combat these factors, consider trying some of the smarter skincare tips listed below:

  • Reduce Your Sun Exposure: Overexposure to the sun’s harsh UV rays makes your skin lose elasticity, which results in premature wrinkles. Additionally, too much sun could result in skin cancer.

  • Maintain Hygiene: Bacteria is often a main culprit in skin issues like acne. Keep your hands clean and avoid touching your face throughout the day.

  • Moisturize: We all know this one. Moisturizing will help prevent flaking skin.

  • Keep Skincare Gentle: While washing your face is essential, it’s important to avoid scrubbing too hard, which will only further irritate breakouts.

  • Try an Exfoliating Mask: Severe cases of acne can be worsened by scrubbing. As an alternative, try an exfoliating mask (like the ones offered by willa) to clear pores and remove dead skin cells.

Staying healthier starts with the foods you eat. Drinking plenty of water each day is the best way to flush toxins out of the skin, and allows nutrients to be carried to your skin and it will be healthier and more elastic.

Smarter Skincare Tips: A Proper Diet

While research doesn’t fully support these commonly-made claims, some experts believe the health of your skin can be linked to your diet. Regardless of research, we can assume eating poorly isn’t doing your skin any favors, so maintaining a proper diet could be quite beneficial in caring for your skin. There’s a wide variety of foods believed to improve the health of your skin, as well as a list of foods you should avoid. Take a look at the table below:

Foods to Eat

Foods to Avoid

  • Dark berries

  • Tomatoes

  • Tofu

  • Brown rice

  • Kale

  • Avocado

  • Sweet potatoes

  • Candy

  • Cow’s milk

  • Chips

  • Fast food

  • Cheese

Smarter Skincare Products

Adding to the list of smarter skincare tips, consider trying out the effective products from willa. On top of maintaining a healthy diet and making a few lifestyle changes, you can fight acne and promote healthy skin with the right products. At willa, we formulate our products with smarter ingredients to help combat breakouts and keep skin clear. Our goal is to provide young women with the information and products to maintain a beautiful complexion.

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