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10 Tips To Make Your Vacation Interesting With Teens

Planning a vacation with teens can be a challenging task. You need to adopt the right approach to make this trip safe and enjoyable for them. Here are few ways on how you can make your vacation with teenagers wonderful. Take a look.

  1. Negotiate: You can kill the entire vacation looking for consensus from your teenage children. It is highly possible that they will never agree on one particular vacation idea. So the best way out is to give each of them a chance to plan something they like. This would bring everyone on the board. You will be surprised at the peace and cooperation present among your teenage children. Just make sure that you plan things ahead so that you can adjust all the activities within your budget.
  2. Motor home: The very idea of travelling in a motor home will excite them. You can easily get motor homes for rent in Ireland and other places. Simple choose one that suits your family and head off to an adventurous vacation. 
  3. Be like them: Do not limit yourself by just escorting your kids to the skating ground. Wear the skate and stand next to them. You will earn brownie points for participating with them in these fun activities. If your kids have planned sky diving or any adventurous activity, put on the harness and get geared to accompany them. Your kids would love to have you on board.
  4. Cleaning rules: Do not get into the strict cleaning mode during the vacation. Your children are bound to be carefree with the room maintenance part. If you just cannot stand an untidy room, shut yourself from that room. Note: while you give your children the freedom not to maintain the room, do apply basic cleanliness rules. For example, no food left on the floor, no wet towels on bed etc.
  5. Practice to say yes: While it is difficult to say yes to every demand of theirs, try to say yes to some of their whims and fancies. Tip: Keep their wild indulgences towards the end of the trip. Your kids might get tired enough or simply forget to ask you for it.
  6. Do not become helicopter parents: Vacations for teenagers often mean personal freedom. Do not be with your kids round the clock. This will only irritate them. If you are travelling on a cruise ship or any theme park, let them be on their own. Just check from time to time about their whereabouts.
  7. Destination: Choose the destination carefully. Do not plan a destination that you would take your children when they we little tots. Note: your selection of a fun destination will lift up their spirits. They will look forward to the vacation and participate in the planning, as you want them to.
  8. In case of a road trip: do not forget to take in the favourite CDs of all. Music playing in the car will never let any of your kids to become bored. Instead of individual headphone, opt for loud music in the car. Throughout the journey, you will be amazed at the common music interest you share with your children.
  9. Make things interesting: Try to make your plan sound interesting to them. For example, if you say: You are going to park they will find it boring and childish,  But if you say You are going to the park where Tom Cruise shot his film recently there will be no limit to their excitement level.
  10. Do not wake them up early in the morning. Let them sleep a little late and then plan for your outings. Your teens will feel energised to enjoy throughout the day.
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