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10 Ways to Enjoy a Pet Festival

10 Ways to Enjoy a Pet Festival

10 Ways to Enjoy a Pet Festival

The title itself must sound absurd to you. Ways to enjoy pet festivals? How do you do that? 

A lot of pet owners feel that the entire concept of enjoying a pet festival is restricted to their pets alone. So how do you enjoy the experience if you’re spending most of your time running after your pet, making sure they’re fed, healthy, and protected? 

That’s a misconception we’ll be happy to break. Allow us to present tried-and-tested ways to enjoy pet festivals. Follow them down to the T and you’ll find that you too can have an enriching experience with your pet.

Keep Your Pets Away From The Fireworks

If fireworks are a huge part of the pet fest and your pet is frightened of them, make sure to carry earmuffs with you. 

If you’re in an indoor space that comes equipped with a television, crank up the volume of the TV to mask the sudden sound of fireworks.

The title itself must sound absurd to you. Ways to enjoy pet festivals? How do you do that? 

A lot of pet owners feel that the entire concept of enjoying a pet festival is restricted to their pets alone. So how do you enjoy the experience if you’re spending most of your time running after your pet, making sure they’re fed, healthy, and protected? 

That’s a misconception we’ll be happy to break. Allow us to present tried-and-tested ways to enjoy pet festivals. Follow them down to the T and you’ll find that you too can have an enriching experience with your pet.

Keep Your Pets Away From The Fireworks

If fireworks are a huge part of the pet fest and your pet is frightened of them, make sure to carry earmuffs with you. 

If you’re in an indoor space that comes equipped with a television, crank up the volume of the TV to mask the sudden sound of fireworks.

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Create A Safe Space 

Pets often have a fight-or-flight response, and they do not hesitate to put it to use. 

Scope out the area a day before the festival to ensure you’re prepared for everything that might come your way.

If the event is outdoors, you can stay close to your car. So, if your pet feels anxious, stressed, or hyperactive, you can take them to your car and give them a safe space to have a time-out.

The same applies to indoor spaces. Just lock the doors and windows, close the curtains to give your dog a safe space far from the sudden sounds and firecrackers. 


Choose Eco-friendly Lights or Decor

If you’re in charge of the decor for the pet fest, ensure that you use eco-friendly lights and other decor essentials. 

Pets are fascinated by lights, and chances are they’ll try to swipe a paw at the decor or try to catch something in their mouths. So whatever environmentally safe decor you use, make sure it’s a safe distance away from your pet.


Keep Your Dog Away From Sweets

Festivals call for sweets. And let’s admit it, we’ve all been tempted to sneak a piece into our dog’s mouth. Here’s a piece of advice: Don’t. 

Sweets can have ingredients like nuts, artificial sweeteners, and chocolate that can be toxic to all pets, not just dogs. So make sure you only give them pet-friendly treats.


Distract Them

If there’s noise outside, make sure you keep your dog distracted. Cuddle with them or engage them in playing a game. 

You can also distract your pet with its favorite treats and toys. Anything that gets their focus away from the noise outside will work just fine.


Stay With Them

Dog festivals introduce new sounds, new smells, new people, and new pets to your four-legged friend. Depending on the behavior and temperament of your pet, this may or may not be the recipe for a happy ending. 

Instead of throwing caution to the winds and leaving your pet alone to get acquainted with all the different new things on their own, stay with them. Your company, especially when your pet is stressed and anxious, can prove to be a welcoming distraction and help calm down your furry friend.


Let Your Pup React The Way He/She Wants

As a pet parent, you should never try to suppress your pets’ emotions or make them behave in any way that may stress them out. Use positive reinforcement techniques to ground them, but if that doesn’t work out, don’t look for alternate techniques. 

Just let them adjust to the surroundings and other developments at their own sweet pace. Never rush the process.


Play With Your Pet

Pet festivals are a perfect event for socializing and indulging in quality playtime. While your pet will certainly appreciate having company around, they would love the pet festival far more if their favorite human plays with them.

Games are effective stress-busters and provide your pet with both mental and physical exercise. To keep them from getting bored and to protect them from sudden sounds, play with them every few minutes.


Leave Enough Food for Your Pet

Human food can prove to be toxic for pets. So no matter how many times your pet begs you for a bite of your food, resist. It’s always wise to carry or store pet-friendly packaged food for your pet. It can act both as a snack and as a distraction from all the sounds.

If, for some reason, you cannot locate or carry pet food along with you, make sure to familiarize yourself with human foods that dogs can eat. This will ensure that your pet never has to go hungry.


Be Prepared For Emergencies

Emergencies don’t come with a note of caution. They catch you unawares and unprepared. When it comes to our pets, that’s a chance we cannot afford to take. When indulging in a pets fest, make sure you have a first aid kit handy and a veterinarian on your speed dial. 

Being prepared for emergencies will ensure that if a medical emergency arises, you’ll be able to give your pet immediate assistance. This assurance will significantly improve your pet fest experience.


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Why Celebrate Pet Festivals?

When it comes to reasons to go to and celebrate pet festivals, the answer, it would seem, is closely related to its very definition — What is a pet festival?

Pet festivals are events that allow your pet to meet other animals and humans and bond with them. With lots of fun activities, workshops, and stalls to keep you and your pet engaged, pet festivals are notorious for offering one of the greatest bonding experiences for both humans and their four-legged friends. 

Now, you may also question what festivals involve animals but are also beneficial for humans. The answer is, all of them. Pet festivals also give humans who do not own pets a great opportunity to get up close and personal with hundreds of pets of different breeds. It’s definitely worth every single second of your time and will prove to be an experience you seek time and again. 

And if you’re wondering about which country has a festival for dogs, several countries have dedicated pet fests such as the Golden Retriever Festival in Scotland and Kukur Tihar in Nepal.

With advantages as firmly rooted as this, is it really a wonder that people, worldwide, indulge in pet events to celebrate their pets and treat them like royalty? 



As a pet parent, the responsibility of keeping your dog safe and protected while ensuring they have a good time lies with you. Pet festivals have the potential to be a perfect event to have fun with your pet in a safe environment, especially if you follow the ways to enjoy pet festivals listed above.

Here’s wishing you a fun time with your furry friend!

Create A Safe Space 

Pets often have a fight-or-flight response, and they do not hesitate to put it to use. 

Scope out the area a day before the festival to ensure you’re prepared for everything that might come your way.

If the event is outdoors, you can stay close to your car. So, if your pet feels anxious, stressed, or hyperactive, you can take them to your car and give them a safe space to have a time-out.

The same applies to indoor spaces. Just lock the doors and windows, close the curtains to give your dog a safe space far from the sudden sounds and firecrackers. 

Choose Eco-friendly Lights or Decor

If you’re in charge of the decor for the pet fest, ensure that you use eco-friendly lights and other decor essentials. 

Pets are fascinated by lights, and chances are they’ll try to swipe a paw at the decor or try to catch something in their mouths. So whatever environmentally safe decor you use, make sure it’s a safe distance away from your pet.

Keep Your Dog Away From Sweets

Festivals call for sweets. And let’s admit it, we’ve all been tempted to sneak a piece into our dog’s mouth. Here’s a piece of advice: Don’t. 

Sweets can have ingredients like nuts, artificial sweeteners, and chocolate that can be toxic to all pets, not just dogs. So make sure you only give them pet-friendly treats.

Distract Them

If there’s noise outside, make sure you keep your dog distracted. Cuddle with them or engage them in playing a game. 

You can also distract your pet with its favorite treats and toys. Anything that gets their focus away from the noise outside will work just fine.

Stay With Them

Dog festivals introduce new sounds, new smells, new people, and new pets to your four-legged friend. Depending on the behavior and temperament of your pet, this may or may not be the recipe for a happy ending. 

Instead of throwing caution to the winds and leaving your pet alone to get acquainted with all the different new things on their own, stay with them. Your company, especially when your pet is stressed and anxious, can prove to be a welcoming distraction and help calm down your furry friend.

Let Your Pup React The Way He/She Wants

As a pet parent, you should never try to suppress your pets’ emotions or make them behave in any way that may stress them out. Use positive reinforcement techniques to ground them, but if that doesn’t work out, don’t look for alternate techniques. 

Just let them adjust to the surroundings and other developments at their own sweet pace. Never rush the process.

Play With Your Pet

Pet festivals are a perfect event for socializing and indulging in quality playtime. While your pet will certainly appreciate having company around, they would love the pet festival far more if their favorite human plays with them.

Games are effective stress-busters and provide your pet with both mental and physical exercise. To keep them from getting bored and to protect them from sudden sounds, play with them every few minutes.

Leave Enough Food for Your Pet

Human food can prove to be toxic for pets. So no matter how many times your pet begs you for a bite of your food, resist. It’s always wise to carry or store pet-friendly packaged food for your pet. It can act both as a snack and as a distraction from all the sounds.

If, for some reason, you cannot locate or carry pet food along with you, make sure to familiarize yourself with human foods that dogs can eat. This will ensure that your pet never has to go hungry.

Be Prepared For Emergencies

Emergencies don’t come with a note of caution. They catch you unawares and unprepared. When it comes to our pets, that’s a chance we cannot afford to take. When indulging in a pets fest, make sure you have a first aid kit handy and a veterinarian on your speed dial. 

Being prepared for emergencies will ensure that if a medical emergency arises, you’ll be able to give your pet immediate assistance. This assurance will significantly improve your pet fest experience.

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Why Celebrate Pet Festivals?

When it comes to reasons to go to and celebrate pet festivals, the answer, it would seem, is closely related to its very definition — What is a pet festival?

Pet festivals are events that allow your pet to meet other animals and humans and bond with them. With lots of fun activities, workshops, and stalls to keep you and your pet engaged, pet festivals are notorious for offering one of the greatest bonding experiences for both humans and their four-legged friends. 

Now, you may also question what festivals involve animals but are also beneficial for humans. The answer is, all of them. Pet festivals also give humans who do not own pets a great opportunity to get up close and personal with hundreds of pets of different breeds. It’s definitely worth every single second of your time and will prove to be an experience you seek time and again. 

And if you’re wondering about which country has a festival for dogs, several countries have dedicated pet fests such as the Golden Retriever Festival in Scotland and Kukur Tihar in Nepal.

With advantages as firmly rooted as this, is it really a wonder that people, worldwide, indulge in pet events to celebrate their pets and treat them like royalty? 


As a pet parent, the responsibility of keeping your dog safe and protected while ensuring they have a good time lies with you. Pet festivals have the potential to be a perfect event to have fun with your pet in a safe environment, especially if you follow the ways to enjoy pet festivals listed above.

Here’s wishing you a fun time with your furry friend!

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