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3 Dream Career Breaks For Adventurous Types

The relentless pace of the rat race doesn’t leave much time for us to follow our dreams. Constant pressure to get on in life, pay the bills and be the best we can be in the workplace is simply part of 21st-century living, but you may feel like there is more to experience out there. Taking a career break can be a liberating and exciting journey of discovery, allowing you to enjoy experiences, sights and countries you would otherwise miss out on. Here are three exciting career break ideas for those experiencing itchy feet.

Teach English as a Foreign Language

Teaching English as a foreign language is a great way to combine new experiences with work. If you’re travelling on a budget, it can subsidise your trip and give you the resources to do everything you dreamed of. Teaching is also a great way to experience local customs and cultures first hand – plus you can pick up another language along the way.

It is vital that you research the teaching requirements of the country in which you want to teach before committing to a specific destination. These can differ substantially and range from a holding university degree in English to simply having English as your first language. Of course, the better qualified you are, the more you’re likely to earn. Speaking to a specialist travel firm or one of the many ‘teach English as a foreign language’ (TEFL) schools will point you in the right direction.


There are few things in life that are more rewarding than donating your time, labour and skill for the benefit of those less fortunate than you. Volunteer projects exist almost everywhere, and they are a great way to meet new people and experience what life is really like in other parts of the world. Among the myriad of volunteer projects out there include building projects with the Red Cross, water projects with UNICEF and food distribution projects with OXFAM. A simple Internet search for international volunteer work is a great place to start your research.

While your career may be important to you, you will know if it’s time for a new challenge. Whether you arrange a sabbatical with your boss, take a break from your own company or resign from your current position, a little research and planning will help you to get the most out of your career break.


It is a big, wide world out there, and it is waiting to be discovered. You can trek through the Andes of South America and take in fauna, flora and some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. You could enjoy a walking holiday through the bush of Australia, or you may want to take in the smells, sounds and intense atmosphere of the Far East. Wherever you decide to go, pack plenty of waterproof clothing, spare socks and comfortable footwear.

If you simply can’t decide on a route for your trip, there are some excellent career break and travel websites that provide inspiration and the means to book your travel. Some of them put you in touch with like-minded people to travel with. While it is always nice to see where the road takes you, having the outline of a plan will ensure you see everything you want to. You can ensure nothing is left to chance, and save some money in the process, by booking a round-the-world trip that includes all your travel tickets.

Colin Wilson is a consultant for a well-known business. He took a year-long career break in 2012 and has documented his adventures on his blog.

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