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Why is Abstract Art priced at Millions When a Child Too Can Make One?

“What’s so unique about it?”, “isn’t it over-priced?’, “Even my 5-years old child can make that.”, “I will never understand, how these art collectors get the emotion or thought behind these geometrical shapes.”, or “In my opinion, Abstract art should not even be considered as an art form.”

The aforesaid phrases and questions are the ones which are most commonly heard and said by the novice persons in the world of art. Infact, you might have had said some of these yourself while gazing at the artworks rather abstract artworks online or offline.

Hence, this blog is being written to calm your inquisitions and apprehensions for once and for all. Keep reading to know why even the simplest art like the famous abstract art piece ‘Black Square’ and many others are priced at millions.

Hopefully, you would have had got the answer to your question. Apart from the points mentioned above, you can also take an art history course, if you are an art enthusiast or a collector. This would help you a lot in understanding abstract arts.
Thereafter, who knows, you might end up owning a famous abstract art piece someday.

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