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Advantages & Disadvantages of Screen Printing

screen printing

screen printing

Edmonton printing is great for fulfilling routine printing needs of residential and commercial customers. Edmonton print shops are known for one-stop print services so that one can visit any of the shops to get most printing tasks done at one place. Printing has several advantages to store and replicate documents to generate communication materials for different needs and to create new designs. Residential customers need printing for their personal purpose, but businesses have too many everyday printing needs for their business.

Emerging printing technologies

Digital prints have revolutionized printing technology and offer many benefits of good printing. The emerging technologies in printing have not only enhanced the appeal of printing but also substantially reduced printing time. The print media is flourishing at a faster pace. There are several forms of printing today that can be used for different purposes of advertising and communication.

screen printing

Screen printing- An emerging technology

Traditional block printing is the thing of past and is almost obsolete in contemporary time and has been superseded by the screen printing which is an art form to deliver superior quality prints. Screen print is a creation of pattern or picture by forcing metal or ink onto a specific surface via the fine material screen. According to the Thomas Olivares, the manager of at Printing Edmonton describes screen printing and says- this way of printing is not a simple process because a lot of efforts to fit moving parts together are needed to get best outcomes as needed. It is something related to new printing technology which has offered more benefits and versatility compared to a conventional form of printing.

Pros and cons of screen printing

No doubt, screen printing is an emerging technology, but like any other production technology, it also has its own pros and cons.


Let’s begin with the plus part of this technology. The strong plus point of screen print is its sustainability which is due to ink thickness, and apparently, the print quality is marvelous. The basic process doesn’t change in manual or automated technique. There is no printing method as flexible as screen printing because printing can be performed on any surface like fabric, wood, metal, and many other flat surfaces and can create colorful designs using more colors. The finish is obviously great because ink thickness is high. The production price through large orders can be substantially reduced because the cost per unit of screen print will be quite low.


The minus point of this technology begins with its complexity and inappropriateness for small order jobs. Screen print setting up is a complex process and costs very high at initial set up. It is thus not an available option for small or on-demand orders because in that case, cost per unit will be very high. The inclusion of colors adds to its complexity and cost. Creating a screen with different colors is a problem and has complications that require skill. The complexity is based on the steps involved in a project to create a design. Let’s come to the critical issue of eco-friendliness. Screen printing is water wasting technology which is used to mix inks and for screen cleaning.


If you match advantages with disadvantages of screen print, you will find a contradiction at some levels. As a manager of Edmonton printing, one wouldn’t say that screen print is not the best in printing industry when there is a question of big orders, but some alternative technology is the best solution if it can possibly be used instead of screen printing.

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