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Is Changing lifestyle Causing More Harm?

IVF treatment

The current scenario of working culture is that when you do something that others don’t do you then you become cool. This has turned out to be a cultural threat to us. Right from school, young boys are seen smoking and involving in alcohol consumption. All these socially accepted ones seen very cool in the beginning until the consequences stuck us. Cinemas are great influencers of lifestyle changes. When your favorite hero is seen smoking and blowing tons of smoke in the entire film, which makes him look so cool, why don’t we try that to become cool? Not really cool. Yes, the great influence that cinemas have upon our generation is getting worse day by day. The average age of smoking was 21 a decade back and it has now slipped to 18. And cancer and other tobacco-related disease is the 50% cause of natural deaths.

Now let us see the reasons that influence a person’s lifestyle:

Now let us see how these changes are affecting our health:

Hence lifestyle changes should lead to a positive growth in life. Anything that goes out of limit is harmful to us and the society around us. There are many ways to spoil ourselves rather than being healthy, so it should be a calculated decision on how we would want to lead our lives.

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