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Components You Will Need to Build Your Own Vaporizer

Components You Will Need to Build Your Own Vaporizer

Components You Will Need to Build Your Own Vaporizer

Many people enjoy the simplicity of a vape pen or e-cigarette. They are thin, they do the job, and they are discreet. For casual users and those who don’t want a lot of fuss during their vaping experience these standard or starter kits offer everything that they need to get started. 

For those who have moved past those starter vape pens, however, the next best step is to get a mod box and then start to build your own vape from pre-assembled components. You can absolutely build your own vape from scratch, but with modding options available already you simply don’t need to. These modding options take the guesswork out of it and simply allow you to customize your experience by choosing components that suit your preferences. 

If you are interested in building your own vaporizer, here are the components you will need.


E-liquid or vape juice is always going to be important. It is what makes vaping so much more appealing over smoking. There are many amazing flavors and options out there as well. Having a huge collection will ensure that you don’t get bored of a single flavor and every time you use your vape the flavor will pack a punch. You can get either small 10ml sizes, or short-fill sizes when you order vape juice. If you are just trying out a flavor then the small sizes work well, but for your favorites it’s cheaper to buy the biggest sizes you can. 

Mod Box 

First of all, you will need a mod box. This box is what all the other components connect to. Choosing this first ensures that all the components you buy are compatible, which can help you save money and get started vaping with your new customized vape sooner. 


You will need an atomizer with a heating coil in order to transform the e-liquid into the vapor. You may need to get this separately, or it may be included with the mod box. Either way, you will want to ensure that you can change out the heating coil in the atomizer. Heating coils have a relatively short lifespan and should be switched out every month for casual users; or more frequently if you use your vape often throughout the day. 


Tanks range in sizes to suit those who want either an all-day vape or those who want to change out the flavors regularly without waste. You may even consider getting more than one type of tank, and even more than one of the same type of tank. This is because you will want to clean them out properly between uses, to minimize liquid build-up and to keep it clean and optimized for your vape. 


You will want several mouthpieces; again, so that you can always have one that is clean and ready to go. Mouthpieces can also experience liquid build-up and, worse, can be a breeding ground for bacteria. You need to clean your mouthpiece regularly for the same reason you need to clean your reusable water bottle regularly. 


You will need a rechargeable battery that is compatible with your mod box. Once you have that and all the other components, you are ready to assemble!

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