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How to Embrace Your Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty

In a world where the artificial seems so real, embracing natural beauty seems like the vague thing to do. However, with all the chemicals found in synthetic makeup embracing your natural essence may prove more beneficial than you actually think.

There is a lot of assumptions when it comes to embracing beauty. For instance, some may think that visiting the Toronto massage companies means that they are taking care of their skin and bodies. There may be some reality in that, but nothing beats believing that you are beautiful in your natural sense. That’s when you exude the most beauty. It’s about time people stopped counting their blemishes and count their blessings. Here are some of the tips to help you embrace your natural beauty:

  1. Embrace Your Natural Face

Embracing your natural beauty is more about being gentle with your skin. Remember to cleanse, moisturize and protect your face every day. You can also do this by adding fruits and veggies to your diet to feed your face with plenty of vitamin D and C.

Eating a healthy diet also makes your skin glow. At least weekly, make sure you exfoliate your skin. Use nourishing natural face masks to treat your face. You can use natural masks like honey and a mixture of baking soda with almond milk.

  1. Love Your Natural Hair

As much as relaxing the hair is more of a trend, try your best to work with your hair and not against it. If you want to color your hair, make sure you stay with three shades of your natural hair color to avoid flattering and damaging. Treat your hair to treatments and hair trims regularly. Use appliances and styling products at a minimum. Also, avoid heat, it damages your hair.

  1. Brush Your Teeth Daily

People underestimate the value of brushing their teeth twice a day as advised by the dentists. However, natural beauty comes with making sure your teeth remain naturally white. Make sure you brush daily, use mouthwash and floss before you go to bed every night.

Most of the foods you eat daily contain acids that ruin your tooth enamel over time which then leads to excessive staining. A daily quick swish of water will also whisk away the residue left after eating and preserve your smile. Also, make sure you visit your dentist for checkups and cleaning twice a year.

  1. Less is More

If you have to apply makeup, don’t make it too obvious. You can do a good tinted moisturizer, nude or pink lip gloss, brown mascara, and a touch of rosy cream blush. Natural makeup looks better than exaggerated makeup. If you want to go out in the evening, you can add a cat-eyed lined in bronze or charcoal to add a little ‘wow’ factor without exaggerating.

If you want to maintain your natural essence, turn away from the mirror then turn back again after applying your makeup. When you turn back, make sure you soften or remove the first thing that catches your eye or stands out. It could either be over-powering lipstick or heavy eyeliner, or anything that makes your face looks unnatural at first sight.


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