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Guidance To First Time Mother In Breast Feeding

Breast Feeding

Breast feeding is one of the most beautiful actions in the lives of women across the world, but for the first time mothers it is not an easy process initially. Below are some basic guidance to help them overcome breast feeding problems and troubles:

The initial expected problems

Many may think Breast feeding is easy and an automatic process. It is also usually believed moms and babies know exactly what to do. However, this is not true always. Even in traditional societies women are found struggling with it. At the beginning most of the women face problems. Getting baby to latch becomes tough initially and breast pain may worry sometime. There may not be enough milk too.

Well, all these does not mean a mom has failed. It is normal and a little learning is required to position the baby and get it latch onto the nipple. One or two weeks may be the period before mom and baby becomes comfortable.

Lactation coach even before giving birth 

Take a lactation coach even before the baby comes. The coach can be anyone who knows about breast feeding or is experience. The person can be your relative or friend. If not, you can approach to lactation consultant.

Own support network

Don’t be left isolated and confused after giving birth to a baby. It is suggested to go and live with your own mother for sometime after welcoming the baby. You and your baby will get continuation guidance on how to breast feed.

It is also suggested to spend some time with mothers before giving birth to your own baby. Even make a list of women whom you can contact when problems arises.

Some common challenges

Below are some of the common challenges mostly for new mothers while breastfeeding:

Cracked nipples – After each nursing session it is suggested to smooth lanolin over the nipples and allow those to air dry. Limit nursing on each side to the maximum time of 10 minutes. If you hear sucking or clicking sound, take note that the baby is not properly positioned.

Blocked duct – Let warm water run over the breasts while on bath as this may relieve its pressure. You can also lay cabbage leaves. It is also suggested to pump some milk between the feedings.

Infection or mastitis – The symptoms of mastitis are sore and breast becoming red and hot. Antibiotic can cure the infection, but do not stop pumping or nursing even if it hurts. Emptying the breasts regularly is important to avoid getting mastitis. Take live culture yogurt regularly to prevent any further complication.

Thrush – The fungal infection can be cured with diet which is high in sugar or having yeasty food. You can also take the help of antibiotics to remove thrush. Remember, steroids and birth control pills put the natural levels of body out of control and this thereafter results with thrush. The symptoms to thrush are painful breasts, achy breasts, sore nipples and cracked nipples.

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