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How to choose the right shower base in the next house remodeling?

How to choose the right shower base in the next house remodeling?

How to choose the right shower base in the next house remodeling?

Shower bases are often an overlooked aspect when people remodel their homes. However, it is one of those critical aspects that will impact both aesthetics and function of your bathroom. For that reason, it is advisable to choose the right shower bases at Fontaine Industries yourself and not leave that decision at the dispense of the contractor.

When you are making that important call, you first need to understand the difference between shower base and shower pan. A shower base is created by directly placing tiles or other options on the floor. 

However, a shower pan is a single-piece pre-constructed unit that is installed at the foundation of your shower areas. You can find shower pans in various shapes including round, neo-angle, square, and rectangle.

Once you have made up your mind about what type of shower foundation you need, you can look into other aspects that would govern your final decision. Remember, the choice of shower base significantly impact your budget and the style of your bathroom. 

This decision is fundamental as any mishandling of these flooring options can result in bathroom leaks that require redoing the entire shower area. Here are a few pointers that you cannot avoid considering while choosing the flooring of your shower. To learn more about house and land packages in Melbourne eastern suburbs please visit Carlisle Homes.

Assessment is pivotal in making any decision while constructing or remodeling your house. The same goes with the decision on the shower pan/base for your new bathroom. 

It includes several aspects, the most common ones are, the look and appeal you want, the needs of your family members, and most of all, your budget. Generally, it is advisable to go for the best quality option that lies within your budget. Even if you are not looking for listing your house anytime soon. This investment is going to only add value to your property.

Making an error in dimension is the most common cause of leaks, dampness, and rots in the future. Measure the shower area according to the shape, length of the side(s) for square and rectangle bases, and radius for round or quadrant bases. Also, take into account the type of base/pan such as curbed, barrier-free, beveled, etc.

There are numerous varieties in the market when it comes to the material of the shower pan/base. If you are looking for something budget-friendly, lightweight, and with extensive assortments of color and size, plastic and acrylic are most popular. You can also go for other materials like fiberglass or stone with each having unique properties and limitations.

The core purpose of any remodeling project is to enhance and deliver at least to the anticipation of the owner in terms of both function and aesthetics. While you can find a shower pan that is close to your shower size and the style you want, going for custom-made expands your choice significantly. 

Apart from size and shape, you get open to a wider material assortment ranging from site-built tiles to cultured marbles. A custom-designed shower base has better chances to replicate your vision for the bath area.

This is the most eminent decisive factor as the shower base must serve the needs of the people who will use it. Based on that you will choose the height of the shower, the crest of the curb, and other aspects.


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