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How to enhance productivity in remote work? Here’s the secret!

enhance productivity in remote work

enhance productivity in remote work

Whenever mentioned, remote work is considered as a lifestyle where people work from their bedrooms in pajamas. However, it results in dysfunctionality and delays in the work when taken up with such an attitude. There are certain people who believe that sitting in office cubicles can help in getting to complete the tasks. A survey by PwC showed that around 9 per cent young people prefer to work in such environments. However, the statistics revolve only around the young employees from the workforce.

A world-renowned company, Google has not incorporated the concept of remote working. The company believes that it is in shared spaces that the productivity of employees enhances. IBM is bringing back their remote workers into the monotonous offices.

However, there are companies like GitLab, Working Solutions, Searchline Database Pvt Ltd and Zapier, which are completely remote work providers. Employees in remote work enjoy a spectrum of benefits, including increased productivity, greater flexibility, no commute, and others.

However, remote workers should figure out how to work in a team and enhance productivity. We’ve rounded up the most effective tips for remote workers to be productive outside the office. Take a look:

  1. Create a home office: It is important for remote workers to dedicate a separate workspace or a home office to work. Working from the comfort of your bed is a lazy habit, which should be avoided to be productive.
  2. Set up a schedule: Remote work offers you the biggest benefit of no commute. This saves you ample of precious time for the day. With such extra time, you should be thoughtful about their schedule. An expert from Zapier suggests that remote workers should strive to adapt a routine, which promotes productivity and creativity.
  3. Take breaks: When work and life happen under the same roof, it can be difficult for employees to ‘switch off’. An expert from Searchline Database Pvt Ltd advises that in remote work, it is important for employees to take breaks. Taking no breaks can lead to a mental block and hamper the performance.
  4. Communicate: Remote working does eliminate the presence of a boss, but it is important to communicate with your team. Keep updating your managers about your tasks and take help from them.
  5. Make video your friend: Having face-to-face interactions with your mangers is an effective way to understand the non-verbal signals from your managers and team. Expert from Working Solutions stated that a person who avoids video meetings, gives up on a chance to build contacts.

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