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How To Pick The Right Car Accident Lawyer

Car Accident Lawyer

Car Accident Lawyer

You take your safety seriously. When you get behind the wheel of a car, nothing is more important than safe, sane, and sober driving. Unfortunately, this sentiment is not shared by everyone. Some drivers do not believe in following the rules of the road. They do as they like, regardless of who it might affect. If you have been harmed in an accident caused by such a person, then you must seek justice. You should immediately learn about your legal rights and prepare yourself to enforce them. Hiring a car accident lawyer will help.

Why You Need a Lawyer

If it is proven that the other driver caused the accident, that driver’s insurance company will have to pay. Their main aim will be to minimize the amount of money they must pay, and so they will offer you a low-dollar settlement. You should not accept it without consulting with your attorney. Indeed, you should turn the matter over completely to your lawyer. They should handle all communication and negotiation with the insurance company. This is the best way to avoid saying or doing anything that will undermine your case against the latter.

If your injuries were light and the money offered by the insurance company covers your hospital bills and the wages you missed from missing work, then your attorney might advise you to take it. If this is not the case, if the accident caused you serious harm, then your car accident lawyer will demand a larger settlement amount. If the insurers refuse, you will need to sue them.

Choosing the Right Attorney

The higher the stakes of your case, the more important it is to choose the right attorney. If you are forced into a prolonged and tough negotiation or must go through a trial, you should have a lawyer you can trust. Here are some of the questions you should ask before hiring a personal injury lawyer:

1. Credentials

Your lawyer must be a member of the Ontario Bar. You should also ask them about their professional associations, publication, and their wider participation in the legal community. Indeed, the more connected your lawyer is to the latter, the more informed they will be about their field. It will also make it easier for you to verify their good standing and character.

2. Legal strategy

It is your life and your future, so you have a right to know just how your lawyer intends to pursue the case. You should ask them directly whether they intend to proceed to trial if they cannot get an adequate settlement from the insurance company. A settlement is, of course, the preferred option, as it saves times, resources, and emotional energy. However, going to a trial may be worth it if you were badly injured in the car accident and need the money to pay your bills and support your family.

3. Legal staff support

Lawyers need legal assistants, case managers, private investigators, medical and forensic experts, and other professionals to win cases. You should ask about the other persons who will be involved in the case. At some point, you may need to speak to all or most of them. Asking about legal staff members will also give you some indication about the kind of legal bill you can expect when it is all over.

4. Expenses

Asking about the support your lawyer will need will naturally lead to expenses. It is better to have this discussion sooner rather than later. Before you sign a contract with them, you should ask your lawyer how and when they expect to be paid. If your attorney requires you to pay certain expenses upfront, they should tell you so right away. Many lawyers tack on expenses to the settlement amount they are negotiating; others prefer to deduct the amount from the final settlement. You should ask your lawyer if they intend to take a percentage of the final award or will bill you for the number of hours they spent on your case.

5. History

You want an experienced lawyer, but you should be able to gauge the quantity and quality of this experience yourself. You should ask for referrals from former clients. It is also possible to learn more about your prospective lawyer from public documents made available by the Bar Association and other organizations they belong to.

You should ensure that your attorney specializes in personal injury law. If your injury is severe, you want an attorney with experience in such complex medical cases. This will give them the knowledge and insight they need to understand how insurance companies respond to these matters. Such lawyers will also have connections to medical professionals who can submit statements and testify on your behalf.

6. Communications

Going through this process takes time. If you are in the hospital or bed-ridden in your home, you will need to work out a way to regularly see your attorney. This should be settled before you hire them. Ask your lawyer about their client caseload and their availability to meet with you on a regular basis. It is important that you keep in constant contact with them. They should also make assistances and staff members available to answer important questions.

7. Possible outcomes

Your lawyer should be honest and direct with you about what can happen. They will have seen cases like yours or similar enough to give you an informed opinion. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may need to recover a considerable amount of money from the insurance company, including medical care, lost wages, and other damages. Your lawyer should be able to give you an idea of how your case will turn out and how long it will take to reach a final outcome.

8. Ask yourself the final question

You should address the most important question to yourself. Do you feel comfortable with this lawyer? If there are issues that you have found with their record or they have answered questions in a way that gives you pause, you should revisit these matters before you make a final decision. Some of these items may be deal-breakers for you. And if that is the case, it is better to follow your instincts. There are plenty of high-quality lawyers, like Tim Louis personal injury lawyer Vancouver BC, and you are likely to find one who ticks all the boxes for you.

You must have full trust and confidence in your legal advocate. In many ways, they will hold your life in their hands. If you have sued the insurance company and need the money you are demanding, your lawyer must deliver; and you must have good reason to believe that they can. This is more than a gut check; it is a calm and sober judgment about the person you have chosen to represent you.

What Your Attorney Will Do

A qualified personal injury lawyer will possess the skill, expertise, and experience to get you just compensation. In the end, your lawyer will need to prove that the person who hit you did so owing to their negligence, carelessness, or recklessness; you will also need to prove that their insurance company is liable for the damages to your person and property and that this liability translates into a certain amount of money.

Your personal injury lawyer will build a case against the insurance company using eyewitness statements, forensic evidence, and the statements and conclusions of medical experts.

If you have been hurt in a car accident, you need a legal advocate. You should call our law firm today to discuss your legal options.

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