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Insect and Pest Infestation – What to Know and How to Eradicate the Issue

Insect and Pest Infestation - What to Know and How to Eradicate the Issue

Every house is bound to get attracted by many pests such as the crawling and flying insects, rodents such as mice, squirrels, rats, wasps, cockroaches, ants and bedbugs and many more. The best way to keep such uninvited guests at bay is by hiring the help of the expert pest control services in your locality.

The most preferred pest control Dublin service is Owl Pest Control Specialists. They are located in Tallaght Dublin, Ireland and can help you with getting rid of all kinds of pests, insects, rodents, etc., that have made their house in your residence or other such buildings. Visit their webpage to know more.

Here are some of the infestation found at homes and other such buildings.


During the months of spring, the queen of wasps will come out from their hibernating period and seeks the place for building a nest. The brooding site can be garden sheds, hollow trees, holes in the ground, and so on.

Wasps are very vile creatures and are known to sting and cause severe pain in their prey. They can be easily agitated with the vibration or noise near their nests. When stung, some people might fall to the anaphylactic shock mode because of the venom that is injected into the body.

You cannot eliminate the nest of wasps easily. You will definitely need the help of the expert pest control services.

Common House Fly

Common house flies normally lay their eggs on the damp and rubbish regions such as the upper surface of the manure heaps or some rubbish pile. Their life cycle will last not more than 2 weeks and every egg hatched within 24 to 48 hours.

Pharaoh and Garden Ants

Garden ants prefer building their nests outside the house, whereas the pharaoh ants prefer staying indoors.

Garden ants prefer the locations such as flower beds, lawns, and so on, whereas the pharaoh ants prefer hospitals, prisons, flats, and so on.

Garden ants will have only one queen and she will be the sole reason for building the nest after mating. Pharaoh ants will have multiple queens and the colony can divide, when under attack.

Ants mate and produce many little ants and these ants can become a great nuisance in your daily life.


Rats are the commonly known pests in almost all countries in the world. Normally, they produce 3 to 6 young ones every year and they will be alive for not more than 12 years. This lifetime is enough for them to have more than 60 litters in their lifetime.

The main part to understand about eradicating rats is that they are neophobic in nature. They are kind of vary about new things and this can be used in your advantage while planning to remove their colony completely from the house.

Rats are known to consume more than 60ml water on a daily basis. They will look for the water source to crave their thirst and will be even ready to leave the premises. This is the right time to bait them and make them stay away from your house permanently.

Norway rats are the commonly seen rodents in many houses today. they can grow up to 10 inches in their length and are known as the largest rat species in the whole world. Female rats can reproduce 5 times a year and each litter will not be less than 7 baby rats. Hence, stay wary of these rats as they can flood your home or buildings within a few years.

Another kind of rodent is the house mouse. They will be alive for not more than 4 months and they can produce up to 40 liters in this lifetime. The rats and mouse are omnivorous in nature and can be easily baited while trapping them to eradicate them from your home or other such buildings.


Cockroaches have become one of the most commonly seen pests in many places today. There are two different kinds of cockroaches that are recognized by the Arthropod experts. One is German Cockroach and the other one is Oriental Cockroach.

German Cockroaches are actually very good climbers. They can climb from one property to another, and thus spread the infection. Oriental Cockroaches will have wings, but they do not fly.

Cockroaches will normally be seen during night times as they are called the nocturnal insects. If you find some roaming in your house, then understand that the population of cockroaches in the house have multiplied unchecked.

The egg laying cockroaches can produce up to 200 eggs in their lifetime. Everything that they touch will become contaminated and they can cause eczema and asthma in children.


Grey squirrel is a type of rodent that was actually introduced in the year 1911. The native squirrels are also known as red squirrels. With the growth in the population of grey squirrels, it has become endangered to the native squirrels. These native squirrels have a great involvement in the improvement of the biodiversity and forest ecosystem.

Grey squirrels have become a great nuisance in the forests as they are known to damage the color of the tree barks. Such trees will become more prone to the fungal and insect attack resulting with the damage of the structure of the tree barks.

Bed Bugs and Carpet Beetles

Bedbugs are known to feed on almost all kinds of warm-blooded animals. They hide inside the mattresses or cracks in the cot, etc., and other such spaces that are dark during daytime. They come out during night times to drink blood of the person sleeping on the bed or the pets and other such warm-blooded animals.

The saliva of the bed-bugs that they leave behind inside the body might cause a negative reaction on the body resulting in itching, delayed swelling and redness and burning. The best way of staying away from bed-bug infection is by hiring the help of Owl Pest Control Specialists, one of the best pest control Dublin services in Ireland.

On the other hand, carpet beetles are insects that are found in many places such as museum sectors, houses, food sectors and so on. They will mate and produce eggs as soon as they emerge from the egg. One beetle can produce up to 100 eggs in just two weeks. They will feed on carpets, and stay under the carpets.

Fruit Fly

As the name says, these are the type of flies that prefer laying their eggs on the rotten fruits, soured milk, fermenting juices and so on. The main food source of the larvae are fungi and yeast that are found growing in the vegetables and fruits. This factor makes them commonly seen pests in every establishment with kitchens such as commercial kitchens, pubs and bars and so on.


Silverfish is the commonly seen insect in almost all establishments that maintain the temperature of 71 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. They prefer warm and damp places and prefer eating your books, clothes and even the dried insects and other such meaty treats. They will even enjoy the pastes and glues that you use for plastering the labels and wallpapers.

Remote Pest Monitoring

As the name says, remote pest monitoring is a technique where an electronic device will be installed to detect and even report any pest activity in any surrounding. The report will be sent to your email or via text message to your number. The device will work just as the electronic monitors or alarm systems that are installed in the houses.

The pest control service that installs the device in your home will follow the routine of checking the device periodically. They will visit your place at least 6 to 12 times a year to make sure that the device is in its excellent working condition. Just like an alarm system, this device will also work 24/7.

Benefits of Pest Control Monitoring Device

You can list many benefits of pest control monitoring device installations. Some are listed below.

After certain time duration, it is suggested to replace the pest monitoring device. You can do so by hiring the help of Owl Pest Control Specialists, one of the best pest control Dublin services. The periodic maintenance of these pest monitoring units will keep your house or any other buildings free from the possible infestation by the uninvited guests in your property.

Most of the places in the whole world are more prone to the infestation of certain kinds of insects, rodents, flies, etc. With the help of the pest control services in your locality, you can make sure that no pests will enter your home and cause serious health damage to your dear ones.

Author Bio: – Michelle is a Writer, Blogger author and expert at Zoom Wings, in this blog, Michelle has explained about “What to know about Insect and Pest Infestation and how to Eradicate the Issue” She has written more blogs for her company.

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