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Reasons for frizzy hair and what can you do about it?

Reasons for frizzy hair and what can you do about it?

Reasons for frizzy hair and what can you do about it?

You do so much for your hair and yet sometimes, it feels like it doesn’t appreciate you. 

Hair damage is caused by a number of reasons, and is commonly known as dryness, which almost always leads to frizz. 

But what is frizzy hair? It’s when your hair curls up independently and looks inconsistent when compared to the rest of your hair. Even though curly hair is more susceptible to frizz, all hair types can be affected by it. It makes hair feel and look rough and is the epitome of what we call a ‘bad hair day’

Causes of frizzy hair and prevention:

  1. You keep obsessing over it: Frizz can be very annoying and force you to over-care for your hair, thereby damaging it further. You might fall into the trap of washing it too often, which can lead to your hair being stripped of its natural oils. Brushing it over and over, touching it every few minutes, finger-combing and even towel-drying it can make the frizz worse. So, what to do with frizzy hair? Giving your hair some breathing space will surely help you combat frizz.  
  2. The weather keeps turning: Unfortunately, the weather conditions in most Indian cities are very unpredictable and constantly change, even during the same day. Before your hair gets a chance to adjust to the rain, the scorching sun pops out. So, here’s another simple tip on how to reduce frizzy hair: reduce the amount of time you spend outdoors. 
  3. You style it repeatedly: Styling your hair too often is never good, especially when it is prone to frizz. Hair coloring, blow drying and ironing your hair should be avoided. These are only a temporary solution and will worsen the damage to your hair, causing split ends which leads to frizz. A haircut every 6-8 weeks is a good way to keep split ends at bay
  4. You’re using the wrong products: Hair care products that consist of sulphates are terrible for your hair. They might offer temporary shine, but they create havoc in your scalp and damage hair from the roots. Frizzy hair is an obvious consequence of this. So, what to use for frizzy hair? Adding a hair care product like Pantene 2-in-1 into your frizzy hair care routine can help you deal with frizz. With shampoo and conditioner in one, your hair gets the best of both worlds. 
  5. You have a deficiency: Deficiencies have many negative effects on your health. But did you know your hair gets affected too? A lack of protein and zinc in your diet can cause hair to turn dry and break easily. So, if you need another reason to eat right, here it is!
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