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Remove The Negative Forces That Walk This Earth With Wisdom and Knowledge!

Negative Forces

All human beings living on this planet have a good and bad side to them. At times, the negative side of these individuals, which ancient shamans of North and South America refer to as “The Dark Horse” becomes more omnipresent. They say it is anti-humane spirit and responsible for the spread of religious bigotry, superstition, racism, tyranny and ignorance around the world. As a consequence, famine, poverty, violence and unhappiness becomes prevalent. The members of the Harley Reagan Quodoushka Deer Tribe Swiftdeer Group, an international spiritual healing community, believe in this prophecy. They try to dispel this evil force from the earth surface by spreading love and enlighten among people of different faiths, ethnicity and backgrounds.

Dark Horse Prophecy

The members of this prominent healing group say it is important for all men and women to realize that if this inhumane force runs rampant, it will create havoc on this planet. They need to introspect deep within themselves to address the issues giving rise to this evil force which is spreading hate among their fellow human beings.Otherwise, it is will ultimately result in the end of the mankind on this planet. However, they state that even this grey cloud has a silver lining and there are effective ways to combat this evil force.

Communication process

They go on to explain that all human beings have the necessary resource to control and subjugate the various vices that hid deep within themselves. The members of this spiritual healing community conduct a ceremony, which includes a communication process. In this session, people sit silently and listen to their most deep and intimate thoughts in the comforts of Nature. These individuals become aware of the dark emotions inside them that are root cause of their unhappiness and disenchantment with life in general. Moreover, they get the opportunity to overcome such vices within themselves in order to lead happier and productive lives.

These members further explain that it is important for people to listen to their inner voices to combat the evil forces within themselves. If these individuals sitsilently for a few moments in serene environment and listen to their active minds, they may find a number of pretentious voices try to speak at the same time. Not all of them are good and the negative thoughts try to dominate these individuals’ lives. It is important for them to de-clutter their minds to stop the negative forces getting the better of them.

Ancient shamans have always held the view that it is possible to fight and control this evil force they call the dark horse before it gains the upper hand on this planet. To achieve this objective, the members of Harley Reagan Quodoushka Deer Tribe Swiftdeer Group teaches its followers the importance of the ‘Four Worlds of Grandmother Earth’. It introduces them to the secrets to leading a happy and productive life where evil forces such as the dark horse cannot unleash itself. This is way that can ensure that only good and positive thoughts dominate their minds.

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