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Rick Casper – Improve The Quality of Life For Seniors With Assisted Living Facilities!

Rick Casper

At some point in your life, you have to look after an elderly relative at home. You may face moments when his/her health suddenly deteriorates or there are behavioral changes. Rick Casper from California says in such situations, you need to ask yourself whether you are capable of providing the necessary care he/she needs. It is not unusually for you to be at the crossroads when it comes to arriving at a proper decision. Are you capable of giving him/her the necessary care he/she needs at this stage of his/her life or it is prudent on your part to relocate him/her an assisted living establishment?

Assisted living establishments refer to places where elderly people can utilize most of their free time. These senior citizens have the freedom to choose whether they are capable of carrying on with their daily activities on their own or need for assistance from a professional care-giver. In such accommodations, these people live together as community, interact with each other in various social events and receive the care they require in the twilight years of their life. Health care experts point out the following the reasons why you should consider such facilities for your elderly relatives:

  1. Mobility problems- This is one of the most important reasons why you need to consider relocating your elderly relative to an establishment that offers assisted living facilities. It can put your mind at rest that your near and dear one will not suffer from a serious fall in place or a wheel chair will always be available.
  2. Inability to maintain personal hygiene- Rick Casper explains that you may notice that your elderly relative is having problems maintaining his/her personal hygiene. He/she may find it very difficult to take a shower, eat a meal or dress properly without proper assistance.
  3. Care in case of progressive chronic illness- You may notice that type of medical care your elderly relative deserves is beyond the capabilities of proficient care-giver. In many cases, considering the chronic nature of the illness he/she suffering from, only the specialists of an assisted living establishment can provide the necessary care.
  4. Social isolation- At times, you may observe your elderly relative hardly go outdoors and refuses to see any acquaintance. Such a situation may arise due the sudden death of a spouse or close friend. Relocating to an establishment that offer assisted living facilities can help/her overcome this loneliness.
  5. Behavioral Issues- You may discover that your elderly relative suddenly wonders around his/her house at night without assistance or suffers from sudden burst of anger for no particular reason. Such a condition may arise when he/she has dementia. This should give you an indication that it is time for you to send your near and dear one to such establishment where he/she will be under 24/7 observation.

Rick Casper clarifies that the decision to send your elderly relative to an establishment that offers assisted living facilities is never an easy one to take. You cannot simply forget that you have been under the same roof with him/her for years. However, such an arrangement may be in his/her best interests when you keep in mind the above reasons.

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