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Smoking Kills but more embarrassingly affects Urinary Health

According to the recent study published in “The Journal of Urology” by Dr. Seth A Strope and Dr. James E Montie, smoking causes bladder cancer. In the survey conducted, it is found that adults who smoke have increased risk of bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is the 6th most common cancer found in the US. Not only smokers, but people who work with metals, dyes, paints, textiles and organic chemicals are likely to cause urinary health issues. Increased level of toxin in the urine can cause the bladder cells to become cancerous. Smoking leads to various harmful disorders like respiratory diseases, lung diseases, kidney diseases, and breast and mouth cancer. Some types of bowel cancer and presence of leukemia are found in people who smoke. The reason why all these life taking disease are coming to a smoker is because the cigarette contains many harmful toxins and chemicals that affect the proper functioning of your body.

The reason why cigarette smoking causes women to lose bladder control is still unknown, but the doctors find it to be due to nicotine or other harmful toxins present in the cigarette. Chronic coughing that we often see among smokers develops extra pressure on the urinary bladder.

A smoker coughs more than normal person who is affected by cough or influenza. This violent coughing puts immense pressure on the pelvic muscles for the bladder, urethra and vagina thereby creating responsibility for urinary contingencies. Nicotine used in cigarette leads to increased bladder contradictions causing symptoms of urgency for urine. Even though it is designed to make cigarettes tastier, they keep the smokers hooked. Carbon monoxide one of the harmful gases used in tobaccos sticks to our red blood cells in place of oxygen. Tobacco when burned releases more than 70 cancer causing chemicals and hundreds of other poisons. Other cancer causing chemicals included in tobacco are tar, arsenic, benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde, polonium-210, chromium, nitrosamines, acrolein, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, ammonia and more such poisons.

Urinary urgency is a situation where in the person needs to urinate even when the bladder is not full. This situation was found 2.7 times more in smokers than non smokers. When you smoke a cigarette, the toxic chemicals present in the cigarette are absorbed into your body and excreted out in the form of urine. Since the urine filters through the kidney and sits in the bladder, these harmful substances stick in these areas and affect your urinary system.

Kidney failure is also an associated problem that is found in smokers. In male smokers, the kidney functions low compared to non smokers. Patients who have these chemicals in their urine have increased rate of having lung cancer than non smokers. There are lots of adverse affects due to smoking. A normal healthy body brings up additional diseases and problems through smoking. But there has been a drastic change in the number of smokers from year by year. Now the people are aware of the scientific effects that happen out of smoking and hence the number is reducing. Quitting smoking is the only remedy to get rid of these diseases if you take care of your family and your loved ones.

Anushma Mohan Writes on the effects of smoking and the harms caused today by smokers. Check out her blog on Jet Cigs Electronic cigarette and how it has changed the world for the better. Avoiding Cigarette smokes and cutting

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