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Tampa-Based IT Companies Powering “Third Platform” Computing Era with Cutting Edge IT Solutions

Cutting Edge IT Solutions

As the “third platform” is gaining steam globally and the corporate giants are allocating a large share of their technology budgets for the third platform technology adoption, Tampa based IT firms are focusing on value enhancement for their existing technology offerings. The article provides a glimpse into how these IT vendors are ramping up their services and taking steps to transform their businesses for 2015 and beyond.

Changing Expectations Driving IT Growth Worldwide:

The IT industry surveys and researches indicate that regardless of the sectors, world’s top companies are increasing their IT spending. An information technology revamp can offer many benefits beyond the efficiency and productivity gain and the cost savings. Under the current scenario, IT investments are often channelized toward credibility building. The large corporations have come to believe that systematic and consistent IT investments can significantly add to their credibility and brand image. This explains an increased spending on customer-focused and enterprise focused projects. On top of that, a significant part of the IT budget is being spent on the third platform technology integration into their existing IT infrastructure.

Studies Reveal Third Platform Significant Factor in IT Growth:

The emergence of third platform essentially defines the IT industry in the second decade of the new millennium. The third platform refers to a computing platform that is powered by four independent technology trends namely the cloud computing, mobility social media and Big Data. The research firm, Gartner has referred to the combination of these four technologies as “Nxus of Forces”. The Third Platform, according to Gartner and other research firms, has “transformed the way people and businesses relate to technology”.
According to the industry analysts and the research firms, in the second decade of 21st century, the IT growth and innovations will be driven precisely by the combined forces of these big four-mobile computing, cloud services, social technologies, and big data.

Being Proactive Is the New Standard for Doing Business in IT:

In this “innovative stage of IT” the high profile IT spenders are eager to explore the possibilities of third platform technologies and exploit their benefits. Given the large stakes, a very high level of service is expected from the IT vendors.

As in other IT destinations across the USA, in Tampa too, the IT vendors are taking decisive steps toward catering to a strategic clientele. Toward this end, the IT vendors are developing a better understanding of business necessities and objective that are driving investments in IT. Equipped with a clearer industry picture, the IT firms are helping the information technology decision makers to take more informed IT acquisition decisions.

Besides ramping up their service capacities, the IT companies in Tampa are focusing more on improving communications with their clients. Understanding client’s needs have always been demarcated as the priority area for the IT service providers. Under the current business scenario, the IT vendors are emphasizing more on customer feedbacks. In an effort to increase customer satisfaction level, they are emphasizing on being more agile in their responses and troubleshooting. A process based, outcome focused approach has become the thumb rule in the IT services delivery arena.

Among the top IT services, the managed IT services, cloud computing, VoIP and other cutting edge communication services, network security and monitoring, data backup and recovery services and remote technical support services are the major services that have experienced an increased investment over the past few years.

Tampa IT landscape is upbeat with increased spending in real estate and hospitality, insurance and financial sectors. With the heavy weight corporate giants opening up their IT wallets, IT companies in Tampa are becoming Third Platform- ready to serve a new generation of demanding clientele.

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