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Top 10 best grading apps for teachers

grading apps for teachers

grading apps for teachers

Grading is one of the more time-consuming aspects of being a teacher. To make grading as easy and efficient as possible, there are now several apps that can help streamline the process. 

Grading apps enable you to assign students with digital homework, tests, or other assignments in an organized manner. These apps allow you to create tests with multiple-choice answers and points or even essay prompts. 

They allow you to upload documents such as images or PDFs that the students can open in their accounts on the app. Once each assignment has been submitted, these grade-tracking applications will calculate each student’s final grade. 

With so many apps available, it can be tricky to figure out which is perfect for your individual grading needs. Here are our top ten best grading apps for teachers:

Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a free cloud-based learning management system that allows teachers to create a virtual classroom and streamline their grading process. 

With Google Classroom, you can assign your students tasks such as creating quizzes or uploading files to Google Drive. You can also start a video meeting with your students to address critical issues.

You can even provide parents and guardians with email summaries of their child’s performance and notify them of upcoming or missing work.


iGrade is an all-in-one pro-grade app designed to simplify the grading process. This app allows you to create and track progress for any assignment, including quizzes, tests, and homework. 

It also features an intelligent grading system that allows you to track each student’s grade for each class and assignment. It has a user-friendly interface allows you to utilize all its features seamlessly.

Teacher Aide Pro

Teacher Aide Pro is a premium grade book app designed for teachers who want to streamline their grading process. 

The app allows you to track your students’ attendance, grade their assignments, homework, and quizzes, and plan and set up their seating charts.


ZipGrade is an excellent option for teachers who like to keep track of their student’s progress throughout the grading period. This app allows you to grade your students’ assignments quickly, and it also allows you to create quizzes and tests, including multiple-choice, True or False, and Fill in Blank questions.

This app allows you to track each student’s progress and shows how many points they’ve earned in each assignment. It also allows you to mark off each assignment as it’s completed. 

This app is particularly good for those who grade on a curve. It allows you to set the average grade for your class and track how each student is performing compared to their peers. 

Groovy Grader

Groovy Grader is ideal for teachers who wish to grade short-response questions, written assignments, or quizzes. This app allows you to create separate grading scales for each type of assignment, which is a particularly useful feature. 

You can also customize the grading scales so that they best suit your needs. This grading app is also very easy to use, with a simple and straightforward design.

GradeBook Pro

GradeBook Pro is a powerful grading app that makes grading easy and efficient. The app is designed with a simple and intuitive interface that makes grading quick and easy.

GradeBook Pro includes powerful features such as the ability to weigh grades, calculate weighted averages, and track student progress over time. The app also allows you to customize your grading system to fit your specific needs.

GradeBook Pro includes all the features you need to grade effectively, including support for multiple courses, assignments, and students.


Dropbox is one of the world’s most popular online storage services and an excellent app for free cloud storage. Although it’s not strictly a grading application, teachers can create a special folder within the app to upload images, PDFs, or other relevant files pertaining to their class. 

Students can also be given access to this folder, meaning they can upload their assignments to this folder and have them appear on their Teacher’s computer. 

This is particularly helpful if the students need to submit supplementary materials such as notes, graphs, or diagrams. This allows the Teacher to access the files from their laptop or desktop computer and grade them easily.

Quick Grader

Quick Grader a grading app that lives up to its name in that it is extremely quick and easy to use. It allows users to quickly grade tests, quizzes, and homework.

With a fully customizable interface and all the powerful features needed for the modern classroom, such as half-point values, adjustable grade scales, adjustable decimal values, plus/minus grading, and an aesthetically pleasing interface, QuickGrader is a significant improvement over the outdated paper grading calculators.

Socrative Teacher

Socrative Teacher is a grading app that strives to provide a more collaborative experience for both teachers and students.

Teachers can use this app to track student progress and performance on any given test, assignment, or quiz in real time and receive immediate feedback on which questions students struggled with. This can help teachers identify areas where students need improvement.

The app also provides teachers with comprehensive reports on student performance, which can be exported and shared as needed. Teachers can also use this app to track their students’ grades and create detailed reports. 


If you’re looking for a simple and straightforward grading app, then iDoceo might be the perfect option. This app allows you to quickly and easily grade your students’ assignments.

It allows you to create and manage your own grading system to tailor it to your specific needs. It also lets you input grades for individual assignments and students and calculate averages and totals, gives you the ability to create reports and export them to Excel or PDF, and includes a handy grade book feature that lets you see all of your student’s grades at a glance.

iDoceo also provides detailed statistics on your student’s performance, so you can identify areas for improvement, and offers a wide range of customization options to make the app work exactly the way you want it to.

Wrapping up

With the help of any of these apps, you’ll be able to teach more effectively and efficiently, and you’ll have more time to focus on other aspects of your job that need your attention.

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