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Top 5 Vacuum Buying Guide for Stairs

Vacuum Buying Guide

When buying the best vacuum for stairs, knowing exactly what to look for can help make a big difference. While there are many brands and models in the market, it is worth noting that all differ in their performance and this is largely determined by their specifications and features. If you are in the market looking for a vacuum to make it easy for you to clean your stairs, below are some of the top things you should consider in order to make the right choice.

Top 5 vacuum buying tips for stairs

  1. Weight

A heavy vacuum can only be stressful for you whenever you need to move it up and down the stairs. The best vacuum for stairs should be light thus portable without giving you stress. When looking for a vacuum for use on your stairs, always check the weight which should be clearly written in the manual and use this along with other factors to make the right pick.

  1. Allergen control

If you are concerned with the issue of allergies, the best vacuum for stairs would be one that has an efficient HEPA filter. This will help arrest allergens from the surface without spreading them into the air. If you or any one in your home does suffer from allergies, the bagged models would be the best vacuum for stairs to consider. Bagged vacuums can easily and efficiently trap allergens compared to bagless vacuum cleaners.

  1. Hose length

When looking for a vacuum, you will find that some are corded while others are cordless. Corded ones are better as they can be plugged to the main source of power while their cordless counterparts are designed to use batteries for powering. If you choose a corded vacuum, always look for one with the longest hose to help you reach the furthest parts of the stairs without stress. Make sure to choose one that allows you to clean without putting a lot of pressure on the cord as this could be dangerous.

  1. Stair cleaning tools

Cleaning stairs can be tricky especially because of the sharp corners and crevices. As such, it is important to look for a vacuum that has all the necessary features integrated into it so as to make your cleaning easier and efficient. The best vacuum cleaner for stairs should have a crevice tool specially designed to reach those tricky parts and suck out the dirt clean otherwise you might never be able to eliminate dirt from the deep corners.

  1. Suction Power

Suction power plays an important role when it comes to surface cleaning. It is good to look for a vacuum that has sufficient suction power and this should touch on the different aspects including the amount of power that enters your vacuum when you switch it on as well as the airflow and filtration. The best vacuum for stairs should have adjustable suction to help handle different surfaces including upholstery and carpets.

Other factors you should consider include warranty, cost and storage options. You can read multiple vacuum reviews to see which one is suitable for you but it’s always better if you can test the device before buying.

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