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Top Ten Tips for a Successful Trade Show

Trade Show

There are few tools that can be more successful than a trade show. Whether your show is local or you’re just printing in Sandy, you need to be on the lookout for printing companies in Sandy that can give you both a good deal and the quality you want. If you find printing services in Sandy that can do things like web design, banners and business cards, so much the better. Below are ten tips you can use to make the most of your trade show.

1. Have a business card ready

This seems intuitive, but it’s one of the most important things you can have. It enables you to give out your contact information and is a handy place to write you want the prospective customer to remember.

2. Be honest

Again, this is something that nobody should have to tell a salesperson to do. But you’d be surprised—there are a lot of people out there who are willing to say anything to make a contact. Once someone finds out about this dishonesty, the damage to the organization is irreparable.

3. Follow up with contacts

Following up with people you met at a trade show isn’t always the easiest thing to do. After all, a large company might end up with thousands of leads, even if the lead just dropped by to pick up the SWAG. Not everyone will be interested, but you have to follow up with them to really make the trade show worthwhile.

4. Be assertive

Being assertive doesn’t mean being aggressive. An aggressive salesperson comes across as bossy or pushy—not a good message to send. But an assertive salesperson is respectful of a prospect’s time and opinions, and has confidence that his or her organization’s products and services are the perfect fit for the prospect’s issue.

5. Tout your quality

Any company can put out a lot of products. But odds are that if they’re not taking their time with a product, it’s going to be crap. So what if company A has a line of twenty-five products? None of them work. It’s much better to have three offerings that are the best at what they do.

6. Show off the new things

People already know about your old stuff. Show them how you’re on the leading edge of solving a problem or making things easier for them.

7. Look the part

People won’t take you seriously if you don’t look like you’re supposed to be there. The phrase “dress for success” may seem trite, but it’s solid advice.

8. Be nice to people

Again, one of those obvious things that is often overlooked. Being nice to people is usually quite easy, but it’s easy to get cranky after two or three days of seeing throngs of people just stop by for the free pen.

9. Try to set appointments for later

This can be a little harder if you’re doing a show in a different state. Still, try to set up an appointment for the prospect to meet one of your executives so they know that their time is valuable to you and your organization.

10. Take ownership of the show

It’s important that you feel a sense of belonging in the show. After all, the show wouldn’t happen if it weren’t for organizations like yours. Companies are the whole reason trade shows exist, so realize that you play an integral part in the event.

It’s easy to overlook certain things when preparing for a trade show. Hopefully, between running around for printing in Sandy and all the other things you need to do, you can take some time to relax. If you can find one-stop printing companies in Sandy that can do other things like web design, banners and business cards, so much the better. Just make sure that the printing services in Sandy can give you quality prints at a price you can afford.

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