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Ways To Deal With Cash Shortages Prior To A Holiday

Cash Shortages Prior To A Holiday

Holidays are not easy to plan and nor are the plans easy to execute. But above all, executing these plans cost a whole lot of money. Typically flights, accommodation, meals and transport are some of the main expenses involved in a holiday. So what to do when you have it all covered but you are facing trouble arranging for transport in your current cash situation? In this article, I shed some light on the financial aspects of a holiday and how to deal with cash shortages.

  1. Find online work

In this day and age, internet and globalization means much can be done sitting home with a computer or laptop. Online blogging and content writing is one of the most common ways one can earn some extra cash whilst sitting home. Companies from all around the globe are looking for part time writers. For example a person sitting in India can work for a company operating in the UK. You can also maintain a personal blog. However, that requires a little extra effort, patience and time. Plus you won’t start earning right away. But when you do, it would be worth the wait.

  1. Get an extra job

The job could be anything, ranging from Bartending, teaching, tutoring, lawn mowing to part time clerical work. Hard work always pays off, and if the reward is getting to enjoy a holiday abroad, you won’t mind it one bit.

  1. Frequent Flyer programs

Frequent flyers programs, also known as loyalty programs reward you for your loyalty with one airline. They vary in terms, conditions and policies but the general concept is the same for every program. These programs entitle you to numerous discounts and the airline miles you earn can be redeemed to ease cash shortages. Airline miles are redeemable on flights, partner hotels, partner restaurants, partner rental car companies and online shopping portals as well. 

  1. Sell Miles

If you want instant cash inflows, sell FF points that you should start accumulating immediately if you have none. Frequent flyer points can be earned on flights, restaurants bills and sometimes as easily as filling out online surveys. Don’t miss out on any chance to earn miles. Alternatively, they can bought as well. But only consider buying them if you can foresee that you will be able to sell them at a profit later. 

  1. Yard sale or online sale

The extra stuff in your house needs to go one day, why not right before a holiday so you can form a better and bigger budget. A yard sale is always fun and fruitful but it does require a little extra effort. Some people just find it easy selling through eBay and other online sites. But make sure the site is reliable and tested as online scamming is pretty common and you must take necessary precautions.

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