What is Wellhealthorganic.com: Health-Hazards-of-Prolonged-Sitting?
There are many risks for your health when you are sitting for long periods of time.This includes backaches and muscles pulling, and an increased likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, depression and.The most effective way to prevent the development of them is to be active every day.
Long-term sitting can be detrimental to your health.We all know about the dangers of drinking and smoking But what are the dangers of prolonged sitting?You might be shocked to find out that prolonged inactivity hours are linked to certain chronic illnesses and an increased risk of premature deaths.
Do not put at risk your health from sitting for long periods of time
Long hours of sitting cause serious health problems.We all know the negatives of sitting for too long in front of the TV or at a desk.Yet, not many people realize the risks that come with it.
Sitting for long periods of time increases the risk of developing life-threatening diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes and overweight.Being in a sedentary position for long periods of time could cause joint and muscle discomfort as well as poor blood circulation. fatigue, backaches, and pressure on the organs in your body, like the liver, heart and kidneys.
All of these are activities that require sitting for a long time.
Even if you exercise in the gym each day during or at night, you might require more exercise to compensate for the amount of time that you are sitting throughout the day.
According to research conducted by Dr. James Levine at Mayo Clinic (USA) In the event that you sit more than 6 hours per day, this could have a negative impact on your health.
Research suggests that 40% of those who are sitting for more than 6 hours per day are at risk of dying from any cause, and more than twice as many suffer of people suffering from diabetes or heart disease as those who sit for less than three hours.He suggests standing desks as well as walking meetings to decrease the amount of time that is spent sitting.
Are there risks of sitting for a long time?
Sitting for too long can cause various health issues, such as:
Heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Joint and muscle pain
Poor blood circulation
The effects of sitting for a long time
Sitting for long periods of time can enlarge the blood vessels within the legs. This makes it more difficult to bring oxygen to the heart.It could lead to an rise in blood pressure which can result in cardiovascular problems like high cholesterol or the increased risk of getting type 2 diabetes.
Sitting for long periods of time can also cause weakening of the bone and muscle strength, which increases the risk of cancer.
Research shows that people who work for long periods each day are more likely to have fat accumulation around their waists, which can increase the likelihood of developing metabolic syndrome, which is an array of health conditions which increase your risk of diabetes and heart disease -as compared to those who sit more frequently.
The blood vessels are constricted
The blood vessels in your feet and legs are delicate, small structures.These blood vessels are fragile and may become narrowed or constricted in the event of long hours in chairs.This causes a decrease in circulation as well as varicose veins that can be found on feet and legs which can be painful if they are not treated appropriately.
The chance for developing diabetes type 2 is greater when you sit for longer than 5 hours a day, compared to those who spend less than 2 hours per day.The risk is increased as you spend more time sittingdown: it’s higher those who are sitting for more than 8 or 10 hours in a day as in comparison to those who are sitting less than two hours per day.
Poor cardiovascular health
The prolonged sitting you do for hours could result in blood accumulating within your legs increasing the likelihood for blood clots.Clots that travel to the lungs can lead to pulmonary embolism an extremely serious condition that could cause death.Long-term sitting can also lead to hypertension and coronary disease.
Long-term sitting is closely linked to an increase in the waist’s circumference as well as weight gains. This leads to a greater likelihood for developing Type 2 Diabetes and heart diseases.Also, it increases the chance of dying due to any cause, especially those who spend more than 8 hours a day.The study that was published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that those who sat for long periods of time had lower amounts of HDL (HDL) cholesterol. This is in contrast to people who spend less time sitting.Another study revealed that sitting for at least six hours a day was associated with lower levels of physical activity which could increase the chance of developing certain cancers , such as endometrial and colorectal cancer.
Muscles and bones that are weak
The long hours of sitting for a long time can result in your muscles and bones to weaken, leading to many musculoskeletal ailments such as muscle pain as well as fatigue, pain and fatigue.
This is because when you are still for long enough your body stops utilize the muscles around it as often as it normally would.This leads to back issues as well as posture problems as well as muscle imbalance and less flexibility.
If you are a regular person who sits at work or in front of the television without breaks between, it could impact your health in a negative way because it will eventually affect the muscle strength.
Cancer risk
The prolonged sitting position can increase the risk of different types of cancers such as oesophagal and colon cancers, prostate and breast cancers.A study showed that standing up may lower the risk of getting colon cancer by more than 20 percent.Sitting for long hours at work or watching the TV are also at a higher chance of being overweight, suffering from diabetes and heart diseases — all of which that can lead to specific types of cancer.
What can you do:
Make sure to take frequent breaks to break from sitting all day (e.g. stretch, stretch, or stroll around)
Regularly exercise (preferably 30 minutes every day)
Think about purchasing an exercise ball that you can make use of during meetings or while watching television.
Make sure you regularly check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels as well as weight.Do your best to shed weight If you’re overweight.A healthy diet should include vegetables and fruits.Reduce your intake of processed meats and other foods that are that are high in sugar, fat or salt.
Beware!You’re not sat to death.
When you’ve been sitting down for prolonged durations, getting up and moving at least every thirty minutes can be crucial.This will improve blood flow and lower the chance of getting a low circulation of blood.It is also possible to make use of compression socks.Although they’re not an eye-catching fashion accessory they can help improve blood circulation by increasing the pressure placed on your legs.This allows blood to flow back into the body quicker than without compression socks.
A study in 2016 revealed that those who sat for longer than 10 hours in a day have an increased risk of 38% of being killed from any cause in the three years to come.A study conducted in Taiwan also revealed that prolonged periods of sitting are linked with a higher chance of dying prematurely from any cause and even cancer, even if you exercise frequently.
Evidence of health risks
The evidence of health risks that are associated with sitting has been growing.For instance, people who are sitting for more than 6-10 hours a day face greater chance of being diagnosed with cancer and heart disease than those who spend less than 4 hours a day.Additionally the risk of death is greater for those who sit for six to ten hours a day than people who sit for less than four hours.
The study suggests that even though they aren’t sure of the reason sitting for longer periods of time is associated to a higher risk of dying It could be due to the fact that it decreases how much exercise that you get.This could be due to the fact that those who are more sedentary tend to not participate in regular physical activities.It is also believed the long periods can reduce what time that people sleep, which can lead to poor quality sleep.The findings of the study were based on the data of the study’s 106,958 participants who were part of the UK Biobank research project.The participants were all free of heart and cancer at the time they joined between 2006 and 2010.
How exercising can keep you safe?
The research team says their findings could impact the design of schools, offices and hospitals.They suggest that employers think about introducing sit-stand workstations and treadmill desks to decrease the amount of time spent sitting at work.They also suggest that employers allow employees to exercise during the working day.Health experts advise that reducing the amount of time spent in sedentary activities could be a key goal for cutting down the risk of developing coronary heart disease.Sitting for longer than eight hours each day are at a higher risk of developing coronary heart disease than people who spend just four or less hours each day.
Keep Moving
Health risks associated with prolonged hours of sitting are linked with an increased chance of developing obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.Research suggests that sitting for long periods of time could increase the risk of dying by as much as 40 percent.
It’s not necessary to go to the gym each day or race a marathon on weekends for a healthy lifestyle.Make sure to take a break and get moving at least every hour throughout the day even if it’s only for a couple of minutes.
The latest guidance provided by the American Heart Association suggests that people should be less sedentary and move more frequently to lessen the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.Our results support this recommendation and suggest that reducing the amount of time spent in a sedentary position could be a good goal for cutting down the risk of developing coronary cardiovascular disease.” This study has been published in European Heart Journal.
While the study can’t give a definitive answer to the best way to sit rather than stand up, it will back the notion that sitting too long is detrimental to your health.Although the study’s authors say further research is required to determine exactly the impact of sedentary habits on heart health They suggest to limit the amount of hours of sitting whenever possible.
We hope that this article made you aware of the dangers of sitting for too long.Although it might seem simple but we advise you to take actions today to cut down on your time sitting.We understand that changing isn’t easy and taking good care of yourself is challenging But don’t put off making small adjustments to your daily routine.