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What is CCAvenue


What is CAvenue?

A new software solution has been designed by CRM Solutions India Limited which is referred to as CCAC Software Solutions, this new system is what is known as Customer Relationship Management or CRM. This software system has been developed so that the sales representatives of a business are able to build and maintain relationships with their customers through the use of an interface. The process works by having the sales person create a list of all the orders that have come in and all the details about each order including the product ordered and the address that it was purchased from.

The system will then be able to match the customer order information to an existing customer account. If the customer account information matches then payment will take place through a payment gateway that is built into the CRM system. If not then the order will be directed to the company’s regular sales department. If a customer does not have a credit card or payment gateway then they can still pay through a check that is left in the bank. The way that the system works is by checking each transaction against each customer record in order to ensure that the order is legitimate and payment has been made.

The way that the system works is really quite remarkable. The way in which this payment gateway functions is by ensuring that the information that is provided by the customer is a secure one. The payment gateways payment gateway acts just like a credit card by requesting financial information from the customer. Any personal or financial information including the address of the customer and the full name of the customer will be required in order to verify the identity of the buyer.

As soon as this is done the system will compare this information to a list of addresses stored within the payment processor’s database. By ensuring that this information is correct the payment processor is able to match the details and proceed with the payment. The CCAvenue software system allows for the records to be accessed by both the company’s sales force and its customers in order to determine if an address is valid.

Once this information has been verified the next step involves an automated payment system being set up on the website. This payment system allows for the customer to simply make a purchase online and select the payment gateway that they wish to use. This payment gateway then validates the information that has been provided by the customer’s computer. If all of the information is verified the payment will then be processed and the order placed. This is how the CCAvenue system works and it allows for it to be used by many different types of business.

Another way in which this payment processing system works is by allowing a customer to enter their personal information. The personal information that is entered into the payment gateway system is not encrypted in any way. As soon as this information is decrypted the information will be transmitted to the companies’ payment processor. Through the payment gateway system a company will have the ability to work with any type of payment processor that they would like. As long as they have an online merchant account that has a connection to the Internet the payment processors will be able to send the payment for a company’s products or services.

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