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Everyone wants their hair to look great every day. The difference between a good hair day and a bad hair day is a very obvious one. The latter not only ruins your look for the whole day but your mood too. Whether your hair is frizzy, dull or simply falling all over the place, dryness is almost always the cause.

So, what is dry hair? Dry hair is simply hair that lacks moisture. The reasons for this could range from harsh weather conditions to an unsuitable hair care regime. Even though our scalp produces sebum, a natural oil that helps moisturise hair, sometimes it can prove to simply not be enough.

If your hair has a brittle texture and the split ends are easily visible, then your hair is probably dry. An itchy scalp and dandruff are also other symptoms of dry hair. Another interesting symptom is a lustreless look. If your hair is dry, it won’t reflect light too well.

So, what causes dry hair?

  1. Environmental factors: Weather conditions play an important role in your hair’s health. If they are constantly changing, your hair is bound to get affected. Extreme temperatures suck out the moisture from your hair. Pollution only makes matters worse. Spending less time outdoors can help minimise the negative effects of the weather. 
  2. Hard water: Some localities receive hard water, water that is high in minerals. This creates a layer around the hair which makes it difficult for moisture to penetrate. It goes without saying that hard water is harmful for your hair and should be avoided. Boiling the water and letting it cool before use is recommended. Alternatively, you can use drinking water to wash your hair. 
  3. Poor diet: If your diet isn’t rich in green leafy vegetables, then you probably struggle with hair dryness. Foods that contain Vitamin A and C are a must. These vitamins help in the production of sebum, which is the natural oil your scalp is responsible for as it gives moisture to your locks. Moreover, smoking and drinking should also be avoided because they only fuel your dryness worries. 
  4. Over styling: Using heating tools is never advisable for your hair but sometimes it’s unavoidable. However, styling too often makes hair dry quicker. This ends up being counter-productive because you keep styling your hair to make it look soft and healthy and the continuous styling is what makes it drier. 
  5. Harsh hair care products: A lot of daily hair care products contain sulphates and other harsh ingredients that suck out all the moisture and dry out the hair. They might give your hair an instant glow or volume but that’s only temporary. In the long run, your hair suffers.

Now that you have understood the problem for dry and frizzy hair, we have a solution that can show great results on dry hair with every wash!

Pantene 2-in-1 Advanced Hairfall Solution with Pro-V and fermented rice water formula for hair, moisturises the hair and reduces hair fall and dryness with every wash giving you the freedom to have more open hair days.

So say, ‘dry hair no more’!

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