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5 Ways to Attract People at a Tradeshow

Businesses, salesmen, and business owners alike have been asking the same question, ‘how do you attract visitors to your tradeshow display/stand?’ for a long time now. Since the question has been asked for so long, it means there are quite a few people who have already come up with solutions that really work. Instead of starting from scratch, why not take a few tips/some advice from those who have already done the trial and error work? Why not skip that first step of failing before you succeed? Instead, you can jump right into creating an awesome tradeshow display that will wow your potential customers and will have people asking questions and coming back to your display for more.

Here are 5 tips on how to attract visitors to your tradeshow displays:

1. Plan Ahead

Did you know most people who attend tradeshow events plan out a list of the booths/companies they are going to visit ahead of time? This means that planning ahead and pre-show outreach is extremely important. Get the word out and contact those who are coming to the event, snail-mail postcards are actually very effective in this case.

2. Be Competitive (not pushy)

Wondering how to draw traffic to your tradeshow display/booth without being too forceful or pushy? Tradeshow events can be extremely lively, busy, and distracting which means that if you take the time to create a clean and warm environment that you can invite people into it is more likely to be well received than if you were yelling at them or shining flashy objects in their faces.

3. Offer Incentives

You can also drive traffic to your booth by offering incentives. Launch your new products during tradeshows, if you don’t have anything new; make sure you promote some kind of deal/special offer or even a gift just for stopping by. The age old strategy of drawing names or business cards from a bowl is outdated the best way to generate real leads is to have actual conversations establishing relationships.

4. Give your Potential Clients something to do

Give your potential clients something to do; this does not have to mean simply filling out information and entering a drawing. Give them something to do like see, touch, smell, taste, and or use your new products. Give them somewhere to go so that they can use a coupon or a discount on some of the products they have seen. Or you could even give them your social media links and give them somewhere to go online.

5. Test it out

Try/test out your games, speaking points, and products beforehand so that you know what is effective and what is not. Going to the exhibition early enough to set up and test things out is also a great way to know what will work and what will not.

You will, of course, need to have signs and posters to announce your business/tradeshow displays, which means you will need a place to print those things off. Printing in Arlington TX is a good place to start.

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