
There are a lot of advantages of starting your own business. You are your own boss, and you can work as much or as little as you want. You also can work when it is convenient for you and at your own pace. A lawn care business also allows you to be outside to enjoy fresh air, and get some good exercise.

Depending on what area you live in lawn care is a seasonal job. However you can offer snow removal during the winter months. Most businesses offer: mowing, fertilizing & chemical application. You will need some certification for handling pesticides. You will also need help, for instance someone mowing the lawn while someone trims the edges where the mower can’t go. You need to have your heart in it fully or it isn’t worth it. One of the first things you will need to do is, make your own business plan. Just as in any business you will need to know how to control your costs, manage your employees & provide great customer service.

Some equipment you will need is: a walk behind and edger and hand tools and so forth. When purchasing equipment you should keep track by getting some business software. This will also help in invoicing and managing accounts. No matter what brand of equipment you decide to purchase, you’ll need to make sure you need to clean after each day of use. Mower blades should be cleaned and ground to keep them sharp. Oil should be changed regularly as well as air filters, so you can keep the engine wear to a minimum. Taking care of your equipment will be a necessity to improve the equipment’s performance.

Now that you have the proper equipment, don’t forget about safety, not just for yours but for your employees. You should protect yourself while working. Always wear safety goggles and ear protection. Also let your mower cool down before you gas it up again.

So you are ready to start. How much do you charge? Clients ask for an estimate before hiring you. As a rule of thumb you should take the time it will take you to mow and trim the homeowner’s property, then multiply it by a price per hour. A lot of experts recommend that you price base on the size of the lawn. Now to find out how much to charge an hour, you can call a few other companies and have them estimate your own lawn. This will also let you know the price range that other lawn care businesses are charging in your area.

Now that you are the owner of a newly minted business you’ll have some duties to attend to. You will need to promote your business, get the word out there. Answer phones & emails for possible clients. Taking & scheduling appointments for estimates for clients. If you choose to hire employees, you will need to hold interviews. Keep in mind though that mowing businesses need fewer employees, you have a better chance of finding enough help.

Mowing lawns both residential and commercial properties for a living will give you serious cash and give you a sense of pride in owning your own business. Owning your own business will have its share of obstacles but if you are willing to put in the time and effort you can make it grow further than even you ever dreamed. Starting a lawn care business is a great way to take control of your life and make a living doing what you love.

By Harry jack

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