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5 Fruits to Avoid During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the world’s most beautiful experiences. However, this also involves a change in lifestyle to take extra care of the newborn growing inside. This includes dietary restrictions for the healthy growth of the baby. Such precautions go a long way in ensuring that your pregnancy is smooth. 

You may think that fruits are loaded with minerals, vitamins and fiber, all of which are essential for a healthy diet. However, there are some fruits that cause complications for women. For instance, women with PCOD and PCOS are told to avoid bananas, cherries and blueberries. So, here’s a look at the fruits to avoid during pregnancy.


Nothing will happen if you have a small amount of this fruit. However, excess papaya can cause complications. In fact, a lot of women living in South Asian countries use papaya as an abortifacient. Semi ripe and unripe papaya contains latex, which is known to trigger uterine contractions and can bring on early labour or even cause a miscarriage. 


This yummy fruit can also lead early labour as they are rich in bromelain, which causes the cervix to soften. If you so wish to eat pineapples, you can consume them in moderate quantities. However, it’s a good idea to avoid them completely during the first trimester of your pregnancy. A lot of women drink pineapple juice to help them go into labour. However, this is not healthy. That’s why pineapples are added in the list of fruits to avoid during pregnancy.


Most doctors recommend avoiding grapes, especially in the final trimester. This is because a number of pesticides are typically used to protect the grapevines to avoid insects from consuming the fruit. Moreover, grapes contain high amounts of resveratrol, which is a chemical that can cause toxicity. On the other hand, grapes also give you vital nutrients like Vitamin A and C. So, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor before binging on grapes. 


This succulent fruit is a delight especially during the summer season. Watermelons are great to flush out all the toxins from your body, while keeping you hydrated. However, watermelons may also expose your baby to various kinds of toxins while flushing them out of your system. Watermelons also have high sugar content and can raise your blood glucose levels. 


Most pregnant ladies crave something tangy. What better way of satisfying this urge than some tamarind? However, this does more harm than good for expecting mothers. Tamarind is high in vitamins but, if consumed excessively, can suppress the production of progesterone in the body, which could lead to pre-term delivery, miscarriage or cell damages in the foetus. 

Many doctors also recommend avoiding dates and frozen berries. While a few fruits must be avoided during pregnancy, fruits like mangoes, oranges and apples can be consumed. It’s a good idea to wash the fruit thoroughly before eating. Moderation is key to help you glide through your pregnancy. 

Learn More about PCOD Vs PCOS

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