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5 Ways To Effectively Use Promotional Products

Custom branded promotional products are a great way for businesses to get their brand exposure in the marketplace. They are a tangible representation of a company and can help them stay top of mind amongst their consumers. Many businesses have successfully used their promotional products as a part of their marketing plan. If your goal is to increase exposure to your brand, considering promotional products can be a smart move for you and your business. Listed below are five ways that you could consider integrating promotional products into your list of tactics.

Trade Shows

Trade shows are great outlets for brands to interface with new and existing clients. A trade show or convention is the perfect opportunity for companies to use their own promotional products to really add some personality to their brand, promote a particular product or service, and differentiate themselves from the sea of exhibitors. Choose a few key products that consumers would be likely to use after their visit to your booth. If you exhibit at trade shows as a way to interact with clients, you should consider the benefits of giving away branded promotional products. It will be a great way to stick in the memories of customers and will help you develop valuable relationships.


Many companies have begun using social media as a means to promote their offerings. A great way to increase your social media engagement is to hold various contests and giveaways. If you have custom branded promotional products that are fun and attractive, they can be very desirable for contestants and can help build some loyalty. When deciding on the types of promotional products to produce and give away, keep your audience in mind. Make sure to produce products that they might actually find useful.

Effectively Use Promotional Products

Job Fairs

If your company participates in job fairs as part of its human resource strategy, promotional products can be great tools for recruitment. This is especially the case with job fairs at colleges and universities. Everyone loves to get cool, free stuff, especially college students. Don’t let any attendees at your job fairs leave empty handed.


Arming your sales team with custom branded promotional products can help them stand out from the other salesmen that are calling on their clients. There’s a great power that comes with leaving something compelling behind after a sales call. If you produce and distribute promotional products that are useful, you have a better chance that they’ll pick up the item again and be exposed to your branding.


If you host events for your clients or distributors, branded promotional products are practically essential. Everyone loves some free swag (stuff we all get). What will happen is that the recipients will use the products moving forward and perhaps lend them out which increases your exposure. Make sure your event attendees don’t leave your event without some sort of promotional products.

AlphaGraphics offers a variety of printing services in Omaha including promotional products. You can choose from an almost endless selection of promotional products, ensuring you’ll be able to find the right one for your company.

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