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Amazing health benefits of guava

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Guava is a tropical fruit that can be found in Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela. It is often eaten fresh or made into drinks, and its leaves and skin are used to treat various ailments. Guava is often associated with colds. These fruits have many health benefits. Guava can also be helpful in dangerous conditions such as high blood pressure and diarrhoea. It is also good for cough, diabetes, heart disease, and other types of cancer. Guava is so good for diabetes, you can include it in your Diabetes Diet Plan.

How does guava accomplish all this? Guava is rich in vitamin C and fibers that act as antioxidants. These antioxidants can reduce or stop oxidation-related harm.

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Guava has 12 amazing health benefits

Guava fruits are considered the most medicinally valuable fruit because they have a high level of medicinal properties. Guava fruits contain 68 calories per 100g and 8.92 grams sugar. It’s also high in calcium, and has 18 grams of minerals per 100g. This indicates that the fruit can be used to treat a variety of diseases. Let’s now look at the health benefits of Guava.

1. Guava helps boost your immunity

Guava is high in vitamin C. It is four times more than the amount found in oranges. Vitamin C boosts immunity, which prepares your body for common infections and pathogens. Vitamin C is also important for good eyesight.

2. May lower the chance of developing cancer

Vitamin C, Lycopene, and other polyphenols are antioxidants that neutralize infections and prevent the growth cancerous cells. Guava fruit is known to prevent the development of prostate cancer as well as breast cancer cells.

3. It helps to control blood sugar

Guava is rich in fibre and has a low glycaemic index, which helps to prevent diabetes. To find out the GIs for other foods, you can refer to Glycemic index Food Chart. You can then modify your diet accordingly. The fibre content helps to regulate blood sugar levels and prevents spikes. However, the glycemic index restricts blood sugar from rising at an inordinate rate.

4. Guavas help in keeping your heart healthy

Guava is rich in potassium and sodium, which helps to regulate and balance high blood pressure. Guavas reduce cholesterol, which is one of the main causes of heart disease. This fruit also increases good cholesterol levels and replaces it with bad cholesterol.

5. Helps during constipation

Guavas have a higher level of good dietary fiber than other fruits. Guavas contain 12 percent of the fibre needed for good digestive health. It promotes healthy bowel movements. This lowers the risk of constipation.

6. Improves your eyesight

Vitamin A in guava fruits can help improve your eyesight. Guava is good for your eyesight and prevents macular degeneration.

7. Guava is an antistress agent

The magnesium found in guava helps to relax your nerves and muscles. This means that you only need one guava after a hard day at work or a long commute to get yourself relaxed. This fruit is great for stress relief and gives you an energy boost.

8. Guava helps women during pregnancy

Guavas are good for pregnant women because it has folic acid, vitamin B-9 and other nutrients. This helps to develop the baby’s nervous systems and protects them from neurological disorders.

9. The best solution for toothaches

Guava leaves are anti-inflammatory and have antibacterial properties that kill germs. People who eat guava leaves at their home can reduce toothaches. Guava leaves’ juice is said to be able to relieve swollen gums or ulcers.

10. Weight loss aids

Guava is a great food for weight loss. Guava helps regulate your metabolism. Guava raw has less sugar than apples, grapes, and oranges.

11. It is effective in treating colds and coughs

Guava is a fruit that contains a high amount of vitamin C and iron, compared to other fruits. Guava has been shown to protect you against catching a cold or other viral infections. Raw guava juice is extremely beneficial for treating colds and coughs. It eliminates mucus from the respiratory tract and disinfects the throat, lungs and respiratory tract.

12. May ease menstruation pain

Period symptoms include painful and severe cramps for many women. A study has shown that guava leaf extract may reduce menstrual pain. The study included 197 women who took 6 mg of guava leaf extract. It was found to be significantly less painful than other painkillers and it helped reduce the pain.


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