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Belly Fat 9 Best Ayurvedic Remedies to Reduce Belly Fat

Weight Loss: Ayurveda offers a number of natural and herbal remedies to help reduce belly fat. To ensure weight loss, you need to pair these remedies and exercise with a healthy diet. are:

1. Methi (Fenugreek)

Fenugreek (or Methi) is loaded with many health benefits and has been proven to be a great way to lose weight. It aids digestion which is crucial for losing weight. Galactomannan, a water-soluble component in mirthi, curbs your cravings and makes you feel fuller for longer. It can also increase the body’s metabolic rate. You just need to roast the methi seeds, then grind them in a mortar & pestle until you get a fine powder. You can mix the powder with water in the morning, but you should eat it without a stomach. The seeds can also be left to soak in water overnight. You can drink the water and then chew the soaked seeds with an empty stomach.

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2. Guggul (Commiphora Mukul)

Guggul, an herbal remedy, is used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Guggulsterone is a plant sterol that can be found in guggul. It’s said to help with weight loss and increase metabolism. Guggulsterone is also a natural lowering of cholesterol. Guggul tea is believed to be very effective in many ways.

3. Vijaysar (Pterocarpus Marsupium)

Vijaysar is an evergreen tree whose bark can be used in Ayurvedic medicine to control obesity and diabetes. Vijaysar is believed to have fat-reducing properties which help lose stubborn belly fat. To ensure a healthy digestion, both the bark and resin can be used. A cupful of vijaysar tea could be consumed to achieve effective results.

4. Triphala

Triphala aids in the elimination of toxins and the rejuvenation of the digestive system. Triphala uses three dried fruits, including amalaki (amla), haritaki and triphala . Each of these fruits have cleansing and rejuvenating properties. Ayurveda experts recommend taking triphala-churna with hot water at minimum two hours after dinner, and at least one hour before breakfast.

5. Punarnava (Boerrrhavia Diffusa)

Punarnava is well-known for its effectiveness in weight loss. Its diuretic qualities help the kidneys and urinary bladder function better. This further aids in flushing out toxins without losing essential minerals like potassium or electrolytes. It helps to reduce water retention, which can lead weight gain. You could also use it to help with constipation or other digestive problems. Punarnava tea can be used to effectively reduce your weight.

6. Dalchini (Cinnamon)

Dalchini, or cinnamon, stimulates the body’s metabolism and helps to cut belly fat. According to a study published by the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology cinnamon stimulated the metabolism of the fat visceral tissue. This may help reduce belly fat. A cup of cinnamon tea should be taken in the morning.

7. Kalonji (Nigella Sativa):

Kalonji is versatile and can be used in many ways. One of these uses is weight loss or controlling obesity. It is a good source of fiber. Nigella seeds have nigellone, which is a natural weight-control agent. Kalonji is a spice that can be included in your daily meals.

8. Aloe vera:

It is a nutritionally rich plant that contains active compounds that help with weight loss. This active compound is most commonly consumed as aloe verde juice. It is made by mixing the gel of this plant with water. Aloe vera gel is rich in acemannan, a complex carbohydrate that helps to absorb nutrients and nourish cells. It can increase metabolism and aid in weight loss.

9. Pepper:

Black pepper offers many health benefits. It is also a great way to lose weight and improve your metabolism. The superfood desi is loaded with vitamins A and K, as well minerals like calcium and potassium. Black pepper is high in fiber and healthy fats which can help you lose weight. There are many ways to consume black pepper. Black pepper can be added to your morning coffee to provide a healthy start.


You should note that results may differ from one person or another. Ayurvedic experts recommend that you consult them before adding natural remedies to your diet. Diabetes patients should be especially careful about taking the prescribed doses.

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