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Best Ways to Stay Cool This Summer

When temperatures start to soar, it can be a struggle to stay cool. We’ve put together 8 of the best ways to help you beat the heat and keep cool this summer. Plus, we’ve thrown in some tips for keeping your cooling methods energy efficient and cost effective.

1. Invest in an efficient AC

Before the hot days kick in, it’s a smart idea to get your air con situation sorted. Having an air con isn’t the only way to stay cool, but it’s one of the most effective.

Whether you’re thinking of installing one in your home for the first time or have one that’s not doing its job properly, it’s important to do your research. Choosing an energy efficient system that’s right for your home size and lifestyle will help you save money and get the cooling effect you’re after.

The most common types of air conditioning systems include:

  • Split system air conditioning – these are best for cooling a single room. Look for appliances with 5 energy stars to reduce the running costs.
  • Ducted refrigerative air conditioning – these are best if you want effective cooling for your entire home. Systems with climate zoning capabilities tend to be more energy efficient.
  • Ducted evaporative air conditioning – these are the most affordable to run because they use the natural phenomenon of evaporation to provide a cooling breeze. Keep in mind they’re not very effective on humid days.

2. Clean your AC air filter

If you’ve already got an air conditioner at your home, you should perform some essential maintenance before summer hits to ensure it’s in top shape.

Most importantly, you should clean or change the air filters in your air con. When these get clogged with dirt and dust they can make your air con less effective.

If it’s been a while since you’ve had your air conditioner looked at by a professional, it might be worth looking into a local air conditioning service in Mandurah. A professional can make sure your air con is in good working order so that it doesn’t break down on you over summer when you need it most.

Keeping your AC well maintained is the best way to make sure it keeps giving you cool, clean air all summer long.

3. Upgrade your insulation

On a hot day, insulation will help prevent hot air from creeping into your home. By helping you regulate your indoor temperatures better, insulation can reduce how much you use your air con, saving you on energy costs. When you do switch the air con on, insulation will make it more energy efficient to run.

Many Australian homes are underinsulated. If you’re living in an older home, or had your insulation installed more than 10 years ago, it might be worth getting a professional inspection to see if you need a top up or insulation replacement.

In addition to investing in more insulation, you should seal up any gaps around windows and doors. Anywhere that air can get into your house, so can the heat.

4. Shut up your house during the day

In the morning, before the day gets hot, you should shut all your windows and draw your curtains. Blocking out the light can help keep your home cooler during the hottest part of the day.

In the evenings, if there’s a cooling breeze blowing, open up your curtains and windows to make the most of it.

When you put your air con on, shut all the doors in your house. This can make it easier for your air con to cool down the particular room you’re in.

5. Go for natural fabrics

Natural fabrics like cotton and linen breathe better and feel cooler on your skin than synthetic fabrics. When deciding what to wear for the day, opt for natural fabrics and clothes with a loose fit.

If you’re finding it hard to sleep at night because of the heat, try swapping out your bedding for natural fibres. Put your doona away and sleep with just a sheet on top of you.

6. Stay hydrated

If your body is dehydrated it’ll have a hard time keeping you cool. It’s important to drink lots of water when the weather is hot. Keep a number of water bottles in the fridge so you can grab one as you head out. Try sipping on cold water throughout the day rather than guzzling a lot at once.

7. Use ice packs and wet cloths

Putting an ice pack or wet cloth on your neck, forehead and wrists can help you feel cooler immediately. If you’ve got a hot water bottle at home, try filling it with water and putting it in the freezer. You can hold it while you work or take it to bed with you for a refreshing effect.

You can also head to the ocean or the local pool when it’s hot – just don’t spend too much time in the sun. If you’re at home and need a quick refresher, jump in the shower with the cold water on or soak in a cold bath.

8. Cook outside

Avoid using the oven too much as it can heat up your home. Instead, try cooking outside on the barbecue in the evenings or put a slow cooked meal on in the morning.

Summer is a great time to embrace more fresh salads and meals served cold. Look into raw plant based meals for great ideas on how to get lots of nutrition in a summer-friendly way. Try freezing berries and bananas for delicious and easy cold snacks.

Staying cool can be a struggle during the hottest part of the year, but hopefully these tips will help you beat the heat.

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