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Current Ethical Issues in Business To Look Out For

In business, human resource professionals will find it challenging to manage the many ethical issues in today’s world. Even with the laws that hold people accountable for their actions, unethical behavior is still a problem in the workplace. An HR representative needs to learn what current ethical issues in business they need to look out for. 

Discrimination and Harassment

One of the main ethical business trends is discrimination and harassment. The consequences of being caught doing either of these can significantly impact the company’s reputation and finances.

A few examples of discrimination in the workplace include age discrimination. A company cannot discriminate against employees if they are older. Another example is disability. For a business to avoid any disability discrimination, they need to ensure they are accommodating to that individual and give them equal treatment for any employee with mental or physical disabilities. 

A company should never discriminate against employees based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs. None of these should change how an employee is treated in the workplace. The best way to avoid discrimination is by educating employees about the issues and encouraging a positive work environment to ensure everyone is treated fairly.

Health and Safety in the Workplace

Workers have the right to work in a safe environment and working conditions. This includes things such as fall protection, so employees are protected against any falls that may occur. A way to prevent this is by the company installing guard rails throughout the building. 

Management or HR may also want to identify if any hazardous or harmful substances could harm employees if they are unaware of them. Also, if any machines could be potentially dangerous if not operated properly, it would be best to ensure specific procedures are in place to limit the risk of injury.

Health and safety in the workplace are not only for physical harm but also should consider the psychosocial risks of working in a stress-inducing environment. This could include demanding work, job insecurity, low levels of autonomy, and effort-reward imbalance. The mental safety of employees is just as essential as physical safety.

Rants on Social Media

The use of social media has grown significantly in recent years. Because of this, it is critical to ensure employees are conducting themselves well online. They should be held accountable if they post inappropriate things on social media. When an employee’s negative social media post can make the business look bad, it can result in a loss of business. This is why it is vital to specify to employees what is appropriate social media behavior so they can avoid any potential consequences.

Privacy and Technology Procedures

Technology is constantly advancing, and to avoid any privacy issues, a company will want to ensure they are keeping everything up to date to keep themselves, their employees, and their company’s information safe. It is also the responsibility of the HR representative to survey electronically to ensure the productivity and efficiency of the company do not violate any of their employee’s privacy.

Nepotism or Favoritism

One ethical issue that has become a trend that needs to die is favoritism and nepotism. An HR hiring manager may want to hire someone because they have a connection to them, but this is a major ethical issue that should be avoided. Even if the manager adhered to all the policies when recruiting a new worker, some might still see this as nepotism or favoritism. This can create a hostile work environment; therefore, productivity may decline, and employee job satisfaction will decrease.

Environmental Commitment

Nowadays, more than ever, a business’ environmental commitment is becoming a major ethical issue. Many companies are increasing their policies to ensure they are being environmentally responsible. This is especially true for larger companies working in the oil or farming areas. There is an even bigger responsibility to make commitments to help the environment.

As an HR representative, keeping up with the current ethical issues is vital to maintaining a positive and productive work environment.

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