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Flyers that people will read

Last updated on December 14, 2015

Flyers offer a fantastic opportunity for exposure to a large audience. Proper planning and research can make marketing with flyers a valuable investment with a great return. I’m sure we’ve all seen flyers that impress us and also flyers that we hardly notice. To make sure your flyers are seen and read by everyone that comes across them, follow these tips for making the perfect flyer.

Create a captivating headline

Most flyers are placed in a location of traffic, meaning that people are traveling when they encounter them. This only gives you a brief moment to capture their attention to get them to stop or remember your flyer.

To accomplish this, you must make a memorable, catchy, witty, and bold headline that stands out from all of the others. Spend time coming up with something easy to digest and easy to remember. It should make sense and also convey a message about who you are or what you offer.

If the headline is the only thing they read, will it be sufficient for them to contact you?

Trustworthy testimonials

Anyone can make a flyer, with any information they want on it. In order to convince your readers that your offer is legitimate and trustworthy, consider including some testimonials for whatever product or service you’re offering.

A short two-or-three-line quote from someone in the area who was impressed with what you do can instill the confidence other readers need to respond. Take it a step further and provide a website where they can view more testimonials or even contact those who made them.

If you are confident and upfront with your information, it will convey a message of quality and respect that is likely to leave a good impression with the reader.

Attention-grabbing Graphics

Flyers are printed on all different sizes, colors, and types of paper. You need to make yours stand out among a possible sea of other flyers.

Do this by strategically designing graphics that are professional-looking and eye-catching. You don’t have to overload your flyer with colors and images to attract attention. Instead, think about asking a professional graphic designer to help you with your design to make sure you get your point across in an effective way. Too much going on in your design will be confusing and, with only a few seconds to convey a message, lose the interest of the reader. Design the flyer in a way that the headline, text, and design work together to deliver the perfect message to get your reader to act.

Feature a benefit

Everyone loves a good deal. Whether its discount admission to an event, a coupon for a product or service you offer, or even some tear-off raffle tickets so they can win a prize by contacting you, people will respond to an offer that’s too good to pass up. But to make an offer irresistible to your audience, you have to follow a few rules. First, make your offer time-sensitive or limited quantity. Create a sense of urgency so that they’ll act soon. Next, make sure your preferred contact method is very clear and easy to identify. Lastly, as touched on earlier, offer a promotion that is actually enticing or something they can’t get anywhere else.

To make sure your idea for a flyer is going to be successful, visit a printing company in Newbury Park for your printing needs.

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