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Health benefits and side effects of olives Olive is a tree. People use the oil from the seeds and fruits, water extracts of the fruit, and leaves for making medicine.

Olive oil can be used to stop heart attacks and strokes (cardiovascular disease) as well as breast cancer, colorectal cancers, rheumatoid arthritis and migraine headache.

A few people utilize olive oil for constipation, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, blood vessel issues that are caused by diabetes, as well as painful ear infections joint arthritis, gallbladder diseases. Olive oil can also be used to treat jaundice, intestinal gas, along with meteorism (swelling of abdomen caused by gas).

Many people also make use of olive oil to help boost the growth of bacteria in the gut and as a “cleanser” or “purifier.”

Olive oil is applied to the face (used as a topically) to treat earwax, hearing ringing (tinnitus) discomfort in the ear lice, cuts little burns, stretch marks caused by pregnancy, and to protect the skin from UV (UV) damage after sun exposure.

In the kitchen the olive oil is utilized as a cooking and salad oil.

Health benefits and side effects of olives or (

  • A breast tumor. People who consume more olive oil in their diet are believed to have a lower risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Heart diseases. Replacing saturated fats in the diet with olive oil can lower risk factors for heart disease and stroke, which includes reducing blood pressure and cholesterol. Adding olive oil to the diet can help in preventing any heart attack that could lead to. Research suggests that a higher consumption of olive oil in the diet (54 grams/day; about 4 tablespoons) can reduced the risk of having a heart attack first by 82% when compared with a low intake of 7g of olive oil, or less, per day. Averaging 1 liter per week of extra-virgin olive oils in the Mediterranean diet for around five years can help prevent heart attacks and strokes in people over age 55 with diabetes or an array of heart disease risk factors (smoking, high blood pressure and high LDL (“bad”) cholesterol, insufficient HDL (“good”) cholesterol and overweight, or the family with a history of heart diseases). A Mediterranean diet includes high amounts of fruits, nuts, vegetables and cereals as well as moderate consumption of poultry and fish as well as a reduced intakes of dairy items such as red meat processed meats and sweets.The FDA now allows labels on olive oil and on products that contain olive oil that state that a small amount, though inconclusive evidence suggests that taking 23 grams a day (about about 2 teaspoons) from olive oil instead of saturated fats could lower the risk of developing heart disease.
  • Colorectal cancer. Research suggests that those who consume greater amounts of olive oil as part of their diets have an increased risk of acquiring colorectal cancer.
  • HDL. Utilizing olive oil in your diet instead of saturated fat can lower total cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol. There is some evidence that other dietary oils such as sunflower and the rapeseed (canola) may reduce “bad” low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol as well as another form of cholesterol known as apolipoprotein B more effectively that olive oil.
  • High blood pressure. By adding large amounts of olive oil extra virgin to the diet and continuing with the usual treatments for high blood pressure can raise blood pressure over 6 months in people with high blood pressure. In some cases, people who have moderate to mild high blood pressure can actually lower their dose of blood pressure medication, or even quit taking the medication altogether. Be sure to not change your medications without consulting your physician. The extract of olive leaves is believed to lower blood pressure for patients suffering from high blood pressure.
  • Earwax. Applying olive oil to the skin appears not to soften earwax.
  • Ear infections. Applying olive oil on the skin doesn’t appear to reduce pain in children suffering from ear infections.

Other side effects of Olive oil include:

Olive oil can be LIKELY SAFE when taken appropriately either by mouth or applied directly on the face. Olive oil is a good choice safely, with a percentage of 14% of your daily calories. This is equivalent to 2 tablespoons (28 grams) each day. Up to 1 liter per week of extra-virgin olive oil has been utilized safely as a component of a Mediterranean-style diet for up to 5.8 years.

Olive oil consumed by mouth is a good option for people who suffer from sensitivity. When applied to the skin, delayed allergic reactions and contact dermatitis are reported.

There’s not enough evidence available about the safety of olive leaf although so far fruit pulp and olive leaf have not been associated with significant side effects in clinical studies.

Olive trees produce pollen that can cause seasonal respiratory allergy for certain individuals.

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