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What Is a Laser Hair Cap and How Does It Work?

If you are experiencing thinning or balding hair, you may be anxiously seeking the best solution. After all, you want your full, healthy hair restored, and who can blame you? No one wants to give in to permanent hair loss. So you turned to the internet, diligently researching and comparing the most effective treatments possible.

As you searched through the many treatments and procedures, you may have come across one of the most advanced options: laser hair caps. Laser hair caps are highly recommended for both men and women who want to restart their hair growth. Used consistently, your hair will soon be thick and thriving once more.

Below, we will discuss what laser hair caps are and how they work to end baldness.

What is a Laser Hair Cap? 

Laser hair caps are FDA-approved devices that stop your hair loss and restart your hair growth. They use low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to rejuvenate your hair follicles and bring them back to life, putting an end to thinning, balding hair. The result is that you will see renewed hair growth, and your hair will come back thicker and even healthier than it was before.

A laser hair cap is non-invasive, non-toxic and easy to use. It fits snugly on your head, covering the crown, temples, and back of your head. You simply wear it for 30 minutes, every other day, for the duration of your treatment period. You can wear it comfortably at home. But, since it looks like any other ball cap, it is discreet enough to wear outside of the house if the need arises.

Laser hair cap treatments are not going to be an overnight success. You will have to be patient while you are waiting for the cap to work. Clinical studies and testimonies show results in 180 days, but the treatment is designed to take seven months. However, some users do see renewed hair growth in as little as a couple of months.

Laser hair caps are equally effective for men and women and can be used to treat different hair issues.

  • Frail or Damaged Hair
  • Thinning Hair
  • Pattern Baldness (androgenetic alopecia)

Until recently, LLLT was only available in costly treatments conducted in your doctor’s office, using their equipment. But thanks to advances in technology, laser hair caps are now available for you to use safely at home, with no side effects. Even for someone with no technical or medical knowledge, laser hair caps are simple to use.

How Does a Laser Hair Cap Work?

Laser hair caps use LLLT technology to emit light therapy to your scalp. The light emitted is cold light therapy, so there is no heat application involved. It has been calibrated to the exact wavelength required to promote new hair growth.

To truly understand LLLT, you have to understand how your hair grows.

Healthy Hair Phases: Hair follicles exist in different phases. The anagen phase is the active phase. In this phase, your hair follicles are healthy and growing. Usually about 85% of your hair is in the anagen phase. The telogen phase is the dormant phase of the hair follicle. About 10-15% of your hair will be in this phase at any given time. When your hair is in the telogen phase, it is not growing. It will eventually be shed – this is why you find strands of hair on your pillow or hairbrush.

How LLLT Balances the Phases:  Sometimes, these cycles are disrupted due to genetics, illness, or other factors. When your hair follicles start to spend more time in the telogen phase than the androgen phase, you will begin to notice that your hair is thinning or balding.

When LLLT is used to combat hair loss, the light penetrates all the way down to your scalp tissue. It stimulates the scalp’s blood flow, producing an increase in the amount of oxygen and essential nutrients that are delivered to your hair follicles. This will rejuvenate them, pushing your hair follicles out of the telogen phase and back into the anagen phase. Hair growth begins again.

For even better results, LLLT can be used with other hair loss treatment products such as specialty shampoos, serums, and supplements. As an added benefit, these often contain vitamins and minerals that also enhance the health of your skin and nails.

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