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Supporting Foods For Bone Health

Glucosamine, a naturally occurring sugar in the body especially in joints and bone marrow. It is involved in building and maintaining cartilage, tendons, and ligaments. It is a thick fluid that is around the joints and provides safety to them. As we grow old or due to intense workout, we tend to lose this fluid that causes joint friction, stiffness, and pain. So, people prefer Glucosamine tablets to overcome such issues. Though there are many types of the supplements, glucosamine sulfate, N- acetyl glucosamine, and glucosamine hydrochloride are quite popular that are made from ingredients like shark cartilage, shells of shellfish, and fungi. But it is always better to try natural ways to tackle the deficiency of glucosamine. Here are some foods that may help you to reduce the inflammation in your joints.

  • Nuts and seeds: These are great sources of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin D that are very good for joints and bone health. These reduce the joint inflammation that soothe your joint pain issues along with osteoarthritis.
  • Meat: Poultry and meat are great sources of nutrients but cartilage in the bones are very helpful in providing the glucosamine. You can make bone soup to get a good amount that promotes joint health and bone density. Fish is a great source of omega 3 along with glucosamine that promotes protein synthesis so that you get a good amount of protein for cartilage production.
  • Shells: Just like cartilage in poultry or meat, you can take glucosamine from the shells of crab, lobster, shrimp, and shellfish.
  • Bone Broth: It consists of calcium, chondroitin, amino acids, and glucosamine to maintain bone health. It promotes the natural production of cartilage in joints, ligaments, and tendons to reduce joint pain.

Supporting foods:

There are some supporting foods that help in soothing the joint pains.

  • Lentils and beans: The excellent source of protein and essential minerals come with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that are magical flavonoids to reduce joint inflammation.
  • Root vegetables: Turmeric, ginger, radish, and garlic are some root vegetables that have anti-inflammatory properties to treat the symptoms of arthritis.
  • Dark chocolate: Cocoa is one of the main ingredients in chocolate that is a great source of antioxidants and counteract inflammation in the body. Along with that dark chocolate consists of a wide range of health benefits other than supporting bone health like regulating insulin, blood pressure, and heart health.
  • Milk: A very good source of nutrients especially protein, vitamin D and calcium that promotes cartilage growth and bone development. For faster improvement in joint pain, you need to take milk with calcium and vitamin D supplements.


Taking Glucosamine tablets may have side effects like skin issues, headache, drowsiness, heartburn, constipation, and nausea. People with asthma, diabetes, high blood pressure, glaucoma, and other medical conditions can face health issues. So, before taking it consult the doctor first. But it is always better to take it from natural sources. This limits the risk of side effects and the benefits are for a long period of time.

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